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Why did Azula go crazy in the end?

Why did Azula go crazy in the end?

So, when both her two closest friends betrayed her at the Boiling Rock, all those ideals that most of her life was built on came crumbling down. This was also a major blow. Both of these combined destroyed her mental state and was basically why she had the mental breakdown in the series finale.

What was wrong with Azula in the end?

Here’s what happened to Azula after the finale. Azula was in a pretty bad shape after Avatar: The Last Airbender ended. Her paranoia and narcissism evolved into a full-blown mental breakdown even after she was named Fire Lord by her father, Ozai.

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What a shame you always had such beautiful hair?

Ursa : [appearing in the mirror] What a shame. You always had such beautiful hair. Ursa : I think you’re confused. All your life, you’ve used fear to control people, like your friends, Mai and Ty Lee.

Does Azula have BPD?

3. Azula (Avatar: The Very Last Airbender) Avatar: the final Airbender has become my personal favorite show of them all, and there’s no concern that Princess Azula for the Fire Nation has Borderline Personality Disorder.

How old is Ty Lee in The Last Airbender?

Ty Lee is a major character in Avatar: The Last Airbender. She is a fourteen-year-old girl and she was the athletic member of Azula’s team, once called “Circus Freak”. Alongside Mai, she served as a major antagonist of Book Two: Earth and a supporting antagonist-turned-supporting protagonist in Book Three: Fire.

Is Azula a narcissist?

Psychological analyses estimate Azula as being highly intelligent, and as suffering from narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders with notable Machiavellian and, at times, sadistic traits.

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Why did Azula kill her mother?

Believing her mother is behind all her problems, including Ty Lee and Mai’s betrayal, Azula is determined to find her mother and kill her. Finally, the team discovers that Ursa had asked the Mother of Faces, Koh’s mother, to change her face to start a new life.

What happened to Azula in the Avatar series?

When Zuko came to the Fire Nation capital to confront her alongside Katara, the two engaged in a duel that saw Zuko wounded but Azula captured by Katara. Azula’s final moments in the series saw her being left in a sobbing mess, screaming in defeat. RELATED: 10 Avatar: The Last Airbender Characters That Deserve Spinoff Series

How did Azula get out of the secret room?

Shooting lightning at Zuko, Azula escapes to a secret room where Ozai kept unsent letters written by Ursa, burns them, and bargains for her freedom by stating she’ll share their contents if Zuko brings her along on his search for Ursa. Warily, Zuko temporarily grants Azula her freedom and they embark on a mission to find their mother.

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Why did Azula help Zuko?

Azula is torn asunder by her own emotions when her father is ousted by Aang (and her hated brother ascending the throne as Fire Lord.) About a year later, she agrees to assist in Zuko’s mission to pin down the location of their mother, which is in stark contrast with her standard self-help only regimen.