
Why are Republic credits no good here?

Why are Republic credits no good here?

Watto : Republic credits? Republic credits are no good out here, I need something more real. Qui-Gon Jinn : I don’t have anything else…

Why is Tatooine not in the Republic?

Tatooine is part of the Republic, but being part of the Republic means very little for poor Outer Rim planets. The planet, like many others, was completely forgotten and left in the hands of corrupt local governments and criminals until protecting them became interesting again (The Clone Wars).

What was the currency on Tatooine?

A peggat was a form of currency used by the Hutts on Tatooine. A peggat was the equivalent of four truguts or 64 golden wupiupi, while it normally exchanged for roughly 40 credits.

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How much is a Republic credit worth in Star Wars?

During the Age of the Republic, a low-end starship was equivalent to 10,000 credits. An expensive meal at a high-end Coruscanti restaurant cost about the same. Using this as a reference, I would estimate 1 Republic Credit to be worth about $1.30 USD.

What did Qui Gon buy from Watto?

When Qui-Gon Jinn attempted a mind trick on him in order to get him to accept 20,000 credits in exchange for a T-14 hyperdrive generator, he shrugged it off, telling Jinn that as a Toydarian, mind tricks didn’t work on him.

What did Anakin say to Watto?

Anakin: “Eh, che bana do mullee ra.” (Yeah, it’d be a pity if you had to pay for me.) Watto: “Yo bana pee ho-tah meendee ya.” (Your friend is a foolish one, methinks.)

What is Beskar steel worth?

It is never stated or even estimated how much beskar is worth. My guess is a little bit more than gold on earth placing it around 20,000 credits.

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How many credits did the Death Star cost?

With labour costs included, it’s estimated that the Death Star cost around one quintillion credits (or one quintillion US dollars).

How many credits is a lightsaber worth?

Our beloved fandom tell us that a lightsaber is worth about 3,000 credits, but that seems somewhat ridiculous. A 3,000 credit lightsaber makes kyberite worth about 40 credits per gram compared to beskar being about 20,000 per gram.

How much does a clone trooper cost in credits?

We decided for the final training year to then divide the total dollar amount of training a SEAL/Green Beret out by three in order to get a final year training cost of $166,667 per individual clone trooper. When all these costs are added up the typical clone class has a cost of $342,897 per trooper.