
Why are my promotions not being approved on Instagram?

Why are my promotions not being approved on Instagram?

Post-click content and functionality (an ad may be disapproved if the post-click landing page content isn’t fully functional, doesn’t match the offer promoted in your ad, or doesn’t fully comply with Advertising Policies)

What do I do if my Instagram ad is rejected?

What to Do if Your Ad is Rejected

  1. Go toAccount Quality.
  2. Click to select your account or catalog with the rejected ads.
  3. Select ad(s), ad sets, or campaigns that you believe were incorrectly rejected.
  4. Click Request Review and select Submit.

What is not allowed in Instagram ads?

Excessive depictions of the following content within these ads are not allowed: 1) Drug and alcohol use; 2) Adult content; 3) Profanity; or. 4) Violence and gore.

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How long does it take for Instagram to approve ads?

Typically, most ads are reviewed within 24 hours, although in some cases it may take longer.

Why can’t I promote my post on Instagram?

If you’re having trouble promoting posts and stories on Instagram, it may be caused by the following: You’re not using a professional account. To create ads on Instagram, you must convert your personal profile to a professional account. Because you have exceeded the limit of using hashtags in those particular posts.

Why is my ad in Review for so long?

The answer from Facebook is: “Typically most ads are reviewed within 24 hours, although in some cases it may take longer.” If your ad is still pending review after 24 hours, just be patient. Sometimes it does take longer. You just have to wait it out.

Why can’t I promote my Instagram post?

How long do promotions pend on Instagram?

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How do you know if someone has boosted your post on Instagram?

When you visit the Overview tab of a Facebook Page or Instagram account with boosted posts, you can immediately see a breakdown of organic vs paid for key metrics such as impressions and reach. You can hover over the bar to see the exact breakdown between organic and paid.

Why are my Instagram ads not being approved?

While including prohibited content could result in your Instagram ad not being approved, promoting boring, salesy, or invaluable content can result in poor delivery and performance. When creating ads, you must ensure they:

How do I know if my ad was approved or not?

Although some ads may take longer, most are reviewed within 24 hours. After that, you’ll receive a notification letting you know if your ad was approved or not: If it was, the ad starts running, and you’ll be able to see your results in the Ad Manager. If it wasn’t, it could be because of any of the following reasons.

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Why was my Instagram promotion rejected?

A number of reasons may have resulted in the rejection of your Instagram promotion. Tobacco, drugs, drug-related products, unsafe supplements, weapons, ammunition and explosives are some of the products listed on Facebook under the banned content section of the Advertising Rules page. But why Facebook when we talk about advertising on Instagram?

How long does it take to get approved for Instagram ads?

Updates on approval for your Instagram promotion typically come in in a few hours or a whole day. But, it can also take a little more time. Why opt for Instagram ads?