
Why are French people so sad?

Why are French people so sad?

Why so sad? France’s famed social system is under attack, with many seeing a decline in the welfare state and education system (69 percent each), in addition to the country’s healthcare system (70 percent).

What country has the highest rate of depression?

The most recent findings on global depression rates from the WHO indicate that the following countries have the highest rates of depression:

  • China.
  • India.
  • The U.S.
  • Brazil.
  • Bangladesh.

What country has the worst mental health?

The United States, Colombia, the Netherlands and Ukraine tended to have higher prevalence estimates across most classes of disorder, while Nigeria, Shanghai and Italy were consistently low, and prevalence was lower in Asian countries in general.

Is depression different in different countries?

There are also significant differences between countries in the management of a patient with symptoms suggestive of depression. International differences in prevalence rates for depression, and perhaps other diseases, may in part result from differences among health care systems in different countries.

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What is the depression rate in France?

Depression is the most common mental illness, since it is estimated that 5\% to 15\% of the French population is at risk of having a depressive episode during life. It is present at all ages.

Which country is the most suicidal?

The most suicidal state in the entire world is by a wide margin Greenland, with Lithuania being the most suicidal country in 2019.

Which country has the lowest depression rates?

The least depressed is Japan, with a diagnosed rate of less than 2.5 percent.

How did France get out of the Great Depression?

Recovery in France In 1932 unemployment was at 15 percent and industrial production off 25 percent from its 1929 level. A new French government was elected in 1932, led by André Tardieu, whose campaign issue was the threat of Communism.