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Why are former British colonies more successful?

Why are former British colonies more successful?

The British were ultimately more successful than the Dutch and French in colonizing North America because of sheer numbers. The rulers back in Europe actually made it very difficult for French and Dutch settlers to obtain and manage land. They tended to be stuck on the old European model of feudal land management.

How did British colonists differ from French colonists?

In the British colonies, people were able to own land. In the French colonies, only the nobles were able to own land. While both countries had dealings with the Native Americans, the French were much more friendly with them.

Why are ex Spanish colonies poor?

The reason why they are poor is the business culture, these mixed colonies have a a 17th century mentality of the wealthy and the poor. I will explain the reason later. These only received investment because of the resources, if 17th century’s Spaniards had no business culture, the natives had even less then.

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What did the British government in 1763 specifically prohibit the colonists from doing?

After Britain won the Seven Years’ War and gained land in North America, it issued the Royal Proclamation of 1763, which prohibited American colonists from settling west of Appalachia.

Does Great Britain still have colonies?

Current territories Today 14 former colonies (since 2002 known as British Overseas Territories) remain under British rule; the term “colonies” is no longer officially used to describe these.

Were the British colonies more successful than the French colonies?

And yes, the British colonies mostly got more of that than the French ones, but if they ruined or ignored it after independence (as happened in general in sub-Saharan Africa, far less so in Asia) you can’t blame that on the colonial power that left those roads and other structures behind, and the trained people. Not the answer you’re looking for?

Why did some colonies end up being better than others?

The English colonies you mentioned ended up better because they tended to be better to begin with. The successful ones had either a lot of structure or few natives. India and Singapore had established economies and political systems before the British got there.

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Are the former French colonies allowed to grow up?

From the mere fact that a large majority of former french colonies still use the Franc, to France’s constant interloping in the civil and political unrest in many of their colonies, it’s quite apparent that the former colonies have not been allowed to “grow up” as it were.

How did the British colonize the world?

By virtue of British maritime supremacy, Britain was able to reach and then colonize some of the best lands, while other European powers took the less fertile and poorer lands or had to surrender their better colonies to the British. Britain was able to take over some colonies from Portugal, France and Spain.