Why are electrical wires hang loosely in the winter?

Why are electrical wires hang loosely in the winter?

Electric cables hang loosely during summer due to the expansion process and they contract during winter due to the contraction process. Explanation: Electric cables are the solids which exhibit the property of contraction and expansion.

Why do electric wires sag between poles in summer?

This process is called thermal expansion. The same process happens in the electric wire. During summer, the heat makes the molecules move wider apart and hence it sags and during the winter follows the opposite process and gets contacted.

Why the electric wire that is connecting in the post outside a little bit saggy and not tightly tied?

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Why the electric wire that is connecting in the post outside a little bit saggy and not tightly tied? So that it will not break once the wire will expand c. So that it will not hard for the line men to reach it.

Why electric wires are kept loose?

Heat makes metallic wire expand and cold makes the material shrink. Therefore, without a slack they could become too tight and break in winters or pull loose from their anchors in summers . This is the reason why wires are kept slightly loose when they are laid.

Why do electrical wires sag in the summer and hang tight in the winter?

Because the cores of overhead wires are made from copper. Metals expand with heat and contract with cold. The higher temperatures in summer make the copper expand – so the lines get slightly longer. In winter, the reverse happens – the lines contract and tighten up.

Why are wires kept loose?

Why do telephone wires sag in summer and become tight during winter?

The wires expand due to thermal expansion, while in winters they contract and become taut. Complete step by step solution: Since metals expand with a rise in temperature, therefore telephone wires sag in summers. The wires are intentionally left a bit loose otherwise in winters they would contract and break.

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Why electric wires between the poles are not strung tightly?

The reason is to minimize the tension in the wire. The wires expand when exposed to intense heat from sun and contract during cold weather. Stretching the wire and connecting to the poles will make the wires loosen up and tear easily. This might lead to an accident.

Why are telegraph wires not fixed very tightly in winter?

the wires are made of aluminium which has a property of contracting during winter season. so to avoid breakage of these wires they are fixed loosely between two poles.

Why are telephone wires loosely fixed on poles?

To prevent contraction and snapping of the wire during winter.

How does the weather affect electrical wiring in winter?

In the winter temperatures are naturally lower than in the summer. Electric wires/cables expand as temperature rises. Length of these wires and calculated expansion is taken into account when they are installed. In summer the wires become warmer and so expand in both length and diameter.

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Why do electrical wires sag in the winter?

In the winter temperatures are naturally lower than in the summer. Electric wires/cables expand as temperature rises. Length of these wires and calculated expansion is taken into account when they are installed. In summer the wires become warmer and so expand in both length and diameter. That is why they sag.

Why do utility poles not snap together?

When the wire length between two utility poles is greater than the spacing between the poles, the pull of gravity causes a tensile force, or stress, in the wire. In most cases, the tensile strength of the wire itself is enough to keep it from snapping.

Why is the Wire Loose between two electric poles and not straight?

Because of the laws of physics (and gravity), any wire will sag in the center. You can increase the tension to reduce the sag, but the sag can never be eliminated and if the wire is tensioned too tight it will stretch and break. Originally Answered: Why is the wire loose between two electric poles and not straight?