
Who is the guy at the end of the Falcon and the Winter Soldier?

Who is the guy at the end of the Falcon and the Winter Soldier?

Much of the final episode of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is spent with the most interesting new character in the MCU, Isaiah Bradley, and his grandson Elijah.

Who was Sharon talking to on the phone?

Now, Sharon Carter, who is on a call, is seen speaking to Batroc. Even though she doesn’t mention the name, it is clear that it was him on the other end of the line.

Who is Agent Carter talking to at the end of Falcon and Winter Soldier?

Sharon Carter (Emily VanCamp) makes a call in “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.” After leaving plenty of hints over the course of the season, the final episode confirmed that Sharon is indeed the Power Broker, the big mysterious criminal boss running things out of Madripoor.

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Who was Sharon talking to on the phone in Falcon and Winter Soldier?

While we didn’t really get any clues regarding the identity of the mystery character, it’s safe to assume that Carter was actually talking to La Contessa Valentina Allegra de la Fontaine who was previously introduced in Episode 5.

Who was Sharon talking to at the end?

Later in the finale, Sharon reveals herself to be the Power Broker — a reveal that we saw coming based off a simple scene from last week — to Karli Morgenthau. Karli ends up shooting Sharon, who recovers from the shot. Karli ends up being killed by Sharon without ever revealing Sharon’s identity as the Power Broker.

Who played the role of Sharon Carter?

Emily VanCampThe Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Sharon Carter/Played by

Emily VanCamp portrays Sharon Carter in the live-action Marvel Cinematic Universe films Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) and Captain America: Civil War (2016) as well as the Disney+ miniseries The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021).

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Did Sharon Carter survive the snap?

In 2018, the Avengers believed that Carter was a victim of the Snap. However, Carter survived, and had to struggle on her own, using the time to build her power and wealth in Madripoor.

What happened to Sharon Carter in Falcon and the Winter Soldier?

Sharon was team “good guy” through and through. However, as we find out in Falcon and Winter Soldier, giving everything she’s got to the government and Avengers came with consequences. After going on the run for returning the shield to Captain America in Civil War, Sharon was essentially abandoned.

Why did Batroc talk to Sharon?

When turning on the subtitles during this scene, it’s revealed that Sharon is speaking to Georges St-Pierre’s George Batroc as she lets him know about the undisclosed job. While his actual dialogue isn’t revealed, the subtitles for his end of the call say “Batroc speaking French.”

Is Sharon Carter going villain in the Falcon & the Winter Soldier?

The Falcon & The Winter Soldier finale sets her up to become a villain. Spoilers ahead for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Season 1 finale. Sharon Carter may be going full villain.

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What does the Falcon and the Winter Soldier’s post-credits scene tease Sharon’s plans?

After Sharon Carter receives her full pardon from the U.S. government, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier ‘s post-credits scene teases her plans with a phone call. Sharon immediately begins a conversation with an unknown recipient and discusses the wealth of resources she’ll soon have access to.

Is Sharon Carter the power broker in the Winter Soldier?

That’s right: Sharon was the Power Broker all along. Though she ultimately helped Sam and Bucky defeat the Flag-Smashers and was granted a full pardon (and her job back!) in an end credits scene, it doesn’t look like Sharon is back to the trustworthy Agent 13 we met in Captain America: The Winter Soldier just yet.

What happened in the Falcon and the Winter Soldier finale?

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier finale flew onto Disney Plus Friday, bringing another Marvel Cinematic Universe show to its conclusion. The episode, titled One World, One People, picks up after Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) accepted the Captain America mantle and shield last week, having resolved his tension with Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan).