
Who holds dual citizenship?

Who holds dual citizenship?

Dual or multiple citizenship means that a person is the citizen of more than one country (say the US and Canada and/or the UK). It gives the person rights and benefits in these countries.

Can dual citizens be officers?

Unlike enlisted personnel, officers in the United States military must be U.S. citizens and U.S. citizens alone. If an officer candidate has a dual citizenship, then he must renounce it in order to receive an officer’s commission.

Do any countries allow triple citizenship?

Some countries are more open to multiple citizenship than others, as it may help citizens travel and conduct business overseas. Countries that have taken active steps towards permitting multiple citizenship in recent years include Switzerland (since January 1, 1992) and Australia (since April 4, 2002).

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Can Navy Seals have dual citizenship?

To receive any level of U.S. security clearance while in the U.S. military, you can Not hold dual citizenship. So no, under most circumstances, being a Navy SEAL precludes an individual from maintaining dual citizenship.

Should elected officials be allowed to have dual citizenship?

Serving as the elected official of a country at the national level is one of those times. No congressman or senator should have even the appearance of divided loyalties that dual citizenship brings, and one can look to the cases of Ted Cruz and Conrad Black as how things can and ought to play out.

Can a dual citizen become a British Lord?

In 2001 Conrad Black, a dual citizen of Canada and Britain, was granted a life peerage in the British House of Lords. The British government had no such legal requirement to give up foreign citizenship to become a Lord.

How do you find out if a US Senator has dual citizenship?

The U.S. and Canada don’t keep track of which congressmen or senators have dual citizenship. Neither does Ukraine (although it really should, considering Ukrainian laws against dual citizenship).

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How many elected deputies in Ukraine have dual citizenship?

But while there might be at most one or two dozen elected representatives in Canada or the U.S. with dual citizenship, the situation in Ukraine is quite different. When questioned in parliament, Artemenko claimed there were over 100 national deputies with at least dual citizenship .