Which is better Lord of the Rings or Hunger Games?

Which is better Lord of the Rings or Hunger Games?

LotR is a harder read, moves slower, is much richer/more developed as a world, etc. Hunger Games is definitely a faster, lighter read, and much more female friendly. If the child is a very accomplished male reader, you could try LotR.

Is the hunger games more popular than Harry Potter?

On August 17, 2012, Amazon announced The Hunger Games trilogy as its top seller, surpassing the record previously held by the Harry Potter series.

What genre is Harry Potter and Hunger Games?

Of all the young adult fantasy series to exist, Harry Potter and The Hunger Games are two of the most influential by far. While they have very different plots and settings, they both had a big impact on pop culture and have many fans.

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Why do you think dystopian literature like The Hunger Games is so popular?

The Hunger Games series is popular because dystopias are very trendy. Some people think that dystopias are so popular because people are unhappy with the world the way it is today, and it is easier to imagine a world that is even worse. One of the reasons that this series is popular is that everyone loves an underdog.

Why is the Harry Potter series so popular?

The creation of a theme park for Harry Potter has made the series become even more powerful, as the brand became stronger. The first Harry potter was published in 1997. The fact that the series lasted for a very long period of time has made it very popular.

Why is JK Rowling’s Harry Potter series so popular with adults?

To make it easier for adults, Bloomsbury Publishing, the British publishing house that first bought the rights to Rowling’s books, published a second version of the books with “adult” (i.e., less colorful and more boring) book covers” (Aquino, Judith). This made it easier for a full range of ages to enjoy the series.

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How many Harry Potter books have been sold?

The Harry Potter series, written by J.K. Rowling, is perhaps the most popular set of novels of the modern era. With seven books and many blockbuster films to its name, the series has amassed about 15 billion dollars in sales.

Do adults like reading Harry Potter?

According to BusinessInsider.com, “Adults love reading the Harry Potter books, but few want to be seen toting around a child’s book.