
When there is a _______ at an intersection you should come to a complete stop yield to cross traffic pedestrians and then proceed when clear?

When there is a _______ at an intersection you should come to a complete stop yield to cross traffic pedestrians and then proceed when clear?

A flashing red light. A flashing red traffic light means the same thing as a stop sign. You must come to a complete stop, yield to cross traffic and pedestrians, and then proceed when the way is clear. 50.81 \% of our users get this question wrong.

What should you do if you change your mind about turning in the middle of making a turn at an intersection?

What should you do if you change your mind about turning in the middle of making a turn at an intersection? a. Stop and reverse out of the intersection so you can make up your mind.

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When approaching or nearing an uncontrolled intersection you should?

Slow down when approaching the intersection, even if there is no other traffic in sight (note that some states, such as Arizona, require you to treat any unregulated intersection as a four-way stop intersection and come to a complete stop before going through).

Is it illegal to do a U-turn in Florida?

In Florida, U-turns are legal as long as there are no signs prohibiting them, and if you’re not interfering with other traffic. However, drivers making a U-turn should be the last person to make a move.

When making a turn you should accelerate at the apex of the turn?

To hit it, you’ll want to start breaking before you enter the turn, coast through the apex, and then slowly begin accelerating as you exit the turn and straighten your wheel. Essentially, the apex of a turn is the spot where it is sharpest, and it’s where you should be going your slowest.

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What is the 2 second rule in driving?

The 2-second rule The phrase takes about 2 seconds to say, so if you pass the same fixed point before you’ve finished saying it, you’re too close and should leave more room. In wet conditions, this gap should be at least doubled.

Is it illegal to change lanes in the middle of an intersection?

Lots of drivers don’t change lanes while driving in the middle of the intersection because they believe it is against the law. Even though this is good practice, as changing lanes mid-intersection can be dangerous, a lot of states don’t consider it an unlawful act. Still, some states, like Ohio, do consider it illegal.

What are the rules of the road at intersections?

CHAPTER 4 — RULES OF THE ROAD INTERSECTIONS The following right-of-way rules apply at intersections: • Drivers must yield where necessary to avoid striking pedestrians who are legally crossing the road. • Drivers crossing a sidewalk, entering or exiting a driveway, alley, or parking lot must yield to pedestrians.

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Do you have to yield at an intersection with no sign?

At an intersection where there is no stop sign or traffic signal (with the exception of roundabouts), drivers must yield to vehicles coming from the right. When approaching a roundabout intersection, always yield to traffic in the circle and pedestrians in the crosswalks. Wait for a gap in traffic before entering.

What should you do when another vehicle moves into your lane?

When you are driving on a multi-lane road, if another vehicle moves into your lane right in front of you, cutting you off, you should Stay calm. Slow down if necessary to avoid a crash, gently drop back to a safe following distance. You are driving on a two-lane road and are being followed by a car that wants to pass you. You should