
When the price of sugar is increased by 20\% a housewife reduce consumption of sugar by 20\% What will be the effect on her expenditure on sugar?

When the price of sugar is increased by 20\% a housewife reduce consumption of sugar by 20\% What will be the effect on her expenditure on sugar?

Answer: The required percentage would be 16.67\%.

When the price of a gas cylinder is increased by 50\% by what percentage should household the consumption be reduced such that there is no increase in the expenditure?

Hence, the household consumption must be reduced by 33. 33\% such that there is no increase in the expenditure.

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What will be the reduction in consumption if the cost of sugar is increased by 25\%?

Hence the consumption should be decreased by 20\%.

How do you increase a price by 25\%?

To increase a number by a percentage amount, multiply the original amount by 1+ the percent of increase. In the example shown, Product A is getting a 10 percent increase. So you first add 1 to the 10 percent, which gives you 110 percent. You then multiply the original price of 100 by 110 percent.

Is the price of the commodity is increased by 50\%?

Solution(By Examveda Team) Let the initial price of the commodity be 100. After 50\% increase in price, It will become, 100 ——50\% increase—-> 150.

When price of coffee is increased by 15\% and consumption reduced by 15\% What will be the effect on expenditure?

The price of coffee is increased by 15\% and a house wife reduced her consumption of coffee by 15\% and hence her expenditure on coffee? = 2.25\%.

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What would happen if the price of sugar was reduced?

If sugar substitutes were available at the same or lesser price than sugar, and then the price of sugar dropped, the use of sugar should increase, but it’s anyone’s guess how much sugar consumption would increase. When the price of sugar increased by 20\%, a housewife gets 5 kg less sugar in a hundred. What is the original price of the sugar per kg?

When the price of sugar increased by 20\% a housewife?

When the price of sugar increased by 20\%, a housewife gets 5 kg less sugar in a hundred. What is the original price of the sugar per kg? NUMBER of Kg bought for 100= 100/3⅓= 30- Kg.

What is the new monthly consumption of 25 kg of sugar?

On increasing the Price of sugar by 32\%, the new Price is Rs 132/ Kg. Since they can increase the expenditure by 10\%, the amount they spent on Sugar becomes [ (30×100)] x 1.10= Rs 3300. = 25- Kg. Therefore the new monthly consumption of sugar = 25- kg. = 33÷1.32= 25.0- Kg. The price of sugar is reduced by 20\%.

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What is the percentage of sugar in a balanced diet?

If the current basket contains a balanced diet, which carbs, protein and fats being in a 1:1:1 ratio, and the percentage of these carbs which are sugars is 1/3, then we can assume mathematically, ceteris paribus that the quantity of sugar will go down by less than 15\%.