
When the freedom they wanted most was freedom from responsibility?

When the freedom they wanted most was freedom from responsibility?

Edith Hamilton Quotes When the freedom they wished for most was freedom from responsibility, then Athens ceased to be free and was never free again.

How do you think splitting the empire into two parts helped it survive for another 200 years?

How do you think the splitting of the empire into two parts helped it survive another 200 years? The wealthier half included most of the great cities and trading centers and the smaller area was easier to defend. … It held the empire’s centers of trade and wealth, and its capital was well protected.

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How might changes in population affect an empire?

The growth, decline, or reorganization of populations could dramatically affect the course of an empire. If the tax-paying population decreased too much, or if peasants moved out of reach of the tax collectors, the empire would suffer from lack of funds.

What are three main reasons for Rome’s decline?

In conclusion, the Roman empire fell for many reasons, but the 5 main ones were invasions by Barbarian tribes, Economic troubles, and overreliance on slave labor, Overexpansion and Military Spending, and Government corruption and political instability.

What made it easier to get from one part of the empire to the other?

Roman soldiers built the major construction projects, such as its roads and bridges. The roads were very important for Rome’s military, because troops could move quickly and transport supplies from one part of the empire to another.

What did splitting the Roman Empire do?

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In the third century, the Roman Empire had grown too large and impossible to administer. To solve this problem, Diocletian divided the Roman Empire into four distinct territories, each to be governed by a different ruler. This brought to an end the Crisis of the Third Century and stabilized the Roman Empire.

How did God’s people lose their physical freedom?

The Old Testament of the Bible records how God’s people lost their physical freedom time and again as various empires overtook them (most notably the Egyptians, as recorded in the book of Exodus). The loss of physical freedom was often tied to spiritual disobedience like worshiping false gods.

What happened to the perfect freedom in the Garden of Eden?

Just three chapters into the story of God’s creation, humanity gave up its freedom by choosing to rebel against God. From that time forward, the perfect freedom God created in the Garden of Eden was gone, and the long-term effects were both physical and spiritual.

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What is freedom in philosophy?

Freedom is a key concept in philosophy. It is defined, negatively, as the absence of constraint; positively like the state of the one who does what he wants. Freedom is surprisingly a fairly modern concept, since the Greeks spoke little of it, considering that man should rather reflect the cosmos rather than obey his own aspirations.

What is freedom according to the Moderns?

The Moderns, from Kierkegaard, then Heidegger and Sartre, who have made freedom a key piece of metaphysics, as evidenced by the famous quotes on freedom. 3 Determinism: Is freedom only an illusion? 3.2 Individual freedom and collective freedom. Freedom: a practical postulate that makes it possible to set up the moral idea.