Tips and tricks

What would you see if you looked in the mirror in Harry Potter?

What would you see if you looked in the mirror in Harry Potter?

Before heading back to bed, Harry asked Dumbledore what he saw when he looked into the mirror. Harry standing in front of the mirror and seeing himself holding the Philosopher’s Stone In 1992, the Mirror was the final guardian of the Philosopher’s Stone in its Chambers.

What would each Harry Potter character see in the Mirror of Erised?

Originally Answered: What would the other Harry Potter characters see in the Mirror of Erised? Ron – saw himself with the Quidditch cup and headboy. Hermione – would probably see herself and her friends happy with Voldemort defeated. Neville – would probably see his parents sane and happy.

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What would Draco see in Mirror of Erised?

Draco would most likely see himself being acknowledged as inconceivably the best. He would see his father looking at him with pride and Harry in the position of looking at him with envy. He’d see himself as successful. Because the two things he wanted were to stand at the top and for his father to be proud of him.

Is Severus Snape the most controversial character in the Harry Potter series?

Severus Snape is a polarizing character in Harry Potter – but there’s no denying that he’s done some truly shameless things. Of all of the characters from the Harry Potter series (and there are many), Severus Snape might be the most controversial. He is a character that is rather polarizing.

Who is Severus Snape’s best friend and love?

Lily Evans, his once best friend and love of his life. Snape’s friendship with Lily Evans was probably the only thing that truly brought joy to his life.

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Why did Severus Snape join the Death Eaters?

In an attempt to win back Lily’s affections, Snape joined the Death Eaters along with a group of his fellow Slytherins. Severus was made a member of the Slug Club presumably because of his talent in Potion-making and Horace Slughorn kept a picture of him as a student, clutching his copy of Advanced Potion-Making.

Why did Harry Potter name his son Severus Potter?

After Snape’s death, Harry Potter ensured that his portrait remained at Hogwarts, honouring him as a hero, despite their significant personal differences. In addition, Harry later named his second son Albus Severus Potter in honour of Dumbledore and Severus, both of whom were an inspiration in Harry’s life after the Battle of Hogwarts.