
What would we use as currency in the apocalypse?

What would we use as currency in the apocalypse?

Items of value in a post-apocalyptic scenario will be anything that could make life more bearable. Food, water, shelter, medical/first aid, fuel, weapons, ammo or the means to make or obtain them will be considered very valuable, tradeable goods.

Would gold be useful in the apocalypse?

Diamonds, maybe, but gold, definitely. Some form of currency will be necessary in the post apocalypse, or no one will be able to buy much of anything.

Why does gold always have value?

The metal is abundant enough to create coins but rare enough so that not everyone can produce them. Gold doesn’t corrode, providing a sustainable store of value, and humans are physically and emotionally drawn to it. Societies and economies have placed value on gold, thus perpetuating its worth.

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Why is gold always valuable?

Is gold useful in a depression?

The depression, and the increased value of gold, had an extraordinary effect on the industry in Australia. But then the price of gold paid to miners started to get a move on. London-based Wiluna Gold Corp (mining in Australia) in 1934 paid a dividend equivalent to 22.5\% of the face value of its £1 shares.

How did Superman become a zombie?

With only moments remaining, Clark Kent bids a tearful farewell to his family, then flies into the atmosphere, where he plans to starve himself of oxygen before he can be transformed into a zombie-like creature.

Will Cash soon be worthless?

And it has nothing to do with a government desire to get rid of cash. It’s a foregone conclusion because cash will soon be worthless. That’s right. If you hold on to your cash long enough, it will be worthless. Why do I say this? Because soon, the government will be unable to control the supply of cash.

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Is a cashless society possible?

Much of the foundation for one is in place. Electronic payments are already a way of life, and they foreshadow the coming of a cashless society. In fact, not only is a cashless society possible – it’s inevitable. For years, people have speculated as to how the Antichrist will exercise the immense power of Revelation 13:17.

Is cash becoming obsolete in the United States?

According to a 2016 Gallup survey, only 24\% of Americans make all or most of their payments with cash. And the younger you are, the less likely you are to use any cash. In the United States, cash is becoming obsolete.

Is it possible to remain anonymous with cash?

Almost everyone accepts cash as a form of payment, and it’s hard to track where cash goes and what it’s used for. But the ability to use cash to hide your activities, or simply remain anonymous, is coming to an end. Why? Because cash (currency and coins) will soon disappear.