
What would happen if the sun turned off for a day?

What would happen if the sun turned off for a day?

If the sun disappeared, the day would bleed into night in about 8.5 minutes, the time it takes for the sun’s light to reach us here on Earth [sources: Otterbein, EarthSky]. The cold spell would be less severe and not as immediate as the shift to near darkness.

What happens if the sun turns off for a second?

If the sun disappeared for ONLY ONE SECOND, nobody would notice anything other than no light for a single second. Nothing else. Our orbit would change by less than 1 Km as I’ve shown.

What if the Sun goes out for 24 hours?

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With no sunlight, photosynthesis would stop, but that would only kill some of the plants—there are some larger trees that can survive for decades without it. Within a few days, however, the temperatures would begin to drop, and any humans left on the planet’s surface would die soon after.

What would happen if I somehow turned off the Sun?

If you put a steamy cup of coffee in the refrigerator, it wouldn’t immediately turn cold. Likewise, if the sun simply “turned off” (which is actually physically impossible), the Earth would stay warm-at least compared with the space surrounding it-for a few million years. But we surface dwellers would feel the chill much sooner than that.

When will the sun destroy the Earth?

The sun is approximately 5 billion years old and is considered to be middle aged. So in about another 5 billion years, it will start to run out of fuel, and will swell to become a red giant that will eventually engulf all the inner planets, including the earth.

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What would Earth be like without the Sun?

The answer is No, the Earth would not remain in any recognizable form without the Sun. There would still be a husk of a dead planet with a small amount of energy coming from the residual heat of the core which might be able to sustain chemosynthetic life in small colonies.

What would happen if the Sun stopped shining one day?

If the sun disappeared, the day would bleed into night in about 8.5 minutes, the time it takes for the sun’s light to reach us here on Earth [sources: Otterbein, EarthSky ]. The cold spell would be less severe and not as immediate as the shift to near darkness.