
What would happen if lightning hit a bullet?

What would happen if lightning hit a bullet?

What would happen if lightning struck a bullet in midair? The bullet won’t affect the path the lightning takes. You’d have somehow to time the shot so the bullet was in the middle of the bolt when the return stroke happened. The core of a lightning bolt is a few centimeters in diameter.

Can you shoot lightning with a gun?

All you would need to do is install a capacitor that can hold a high enough voltage that the air around the electrical current becomes superheated, and you have a lightning gun.

Is thunder louder than a gunshot?

In fact, that’s exactly what it sounds like — not just one but multiple shots from a gun. The air around the lightning bolt expands faster than the speed of sound, which creates a shock wave of thunder. When you’re this close to the bolt, though, it sounds more like a bullet from a gun.

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Which is faster a bullet or lightning?

That is faster than a bullet fired from an assault rifle- 1000 metres per second.

Does lightning have a shadow?

A lightning bolt however emits light, so it would never have a visible shadow.

What would happen if there was no lightning?

Thunderstorms help transfer the negative charges back to Earth (lightning is generally negatively charged). Without thunderstorms and lightning, the earth-atmosphere electrical balance would disappear in 5 minutes. Lightning also makes ozone-producing chemicals.

Can you shoot a lightning bolt?

Use a low ISO (100-200) and choose an aperture of around f/5.6 to begin with. When you see a lightning strike, press and hold the release button to open the shutter. If they’re too dark try a wider aperture, longer exposure time, or higher ISO setting. Do the opposite if your shots are too light.

What weapon is associated with lightning?

The most common of the magic weapons is the Levin Sword, a sword that shoots lightning, dealing magic damage and commonly the only ranged sword.

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Do lightning strikes make noise?

Thunder is created when lightning passes through the air. The lightning discharge heats the air rapidly and causes it to expand. Immediately after the flash, the air cools and contracts quickly. This rapid expansion and contraction creates the sound wave that we hear as thunder.

Is there anything faster than bullet?

WASHINGTON: The US military is developing a next-generation hypersonic jet plane that could fly at up to five times the speed of sound – faster than a bullet. However, the military’s new hypersonic vehicle will go even further, Mica Endsley, the Air Force’s chief scientist, told

What travels faster than a bullet?

It’s the Bloodhound SuperSonic Car (SSC) and it has plans to hit the world land speed record at 1,000 mph. Made of titanium, carbon fiber and, like superman, is designed to go faster than a speeding bullet, the Bloodhound SSC has been painstakingly put together and tested over the better part of six years.