
What were the differences between the French British and Spanish colonization?

What were the differences between the French British and Spanish colonization?

France and Spain, for instance, were governed by autocratic sovereigns whose rule was absolute; their colonists went to America as servants of the Crown. The English colonists, on the other hand, enjoyed far more freedom and were able to govern themselves as long as they followed English law and were loyal to the king.

Which of the following was a major difference between British and Spanish colonial settlement?

The Spanish conquered land and treated natives as slaves through the encomienda system. England’s objective was establishing settlements and forcing Native Americans out of conquered lands. They used indentured servitude as a system of labor instead.

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What was one major difference between French and British colonists in the Americas during the 1700s?

British colonies had more people, but French colonies had more land. What was one major difference between French and British colonists in the Americas during the 1700’s? French colonists generally had friendlier relations with American Indians.

What were the major differences between the Spanish and English when it came to bringing their religions to the colonies?

Spanish colonists often treated colonization as a means of proselytizing native peoples while many New England colonists sought to create separate religious communities. New England colonists made religion more central to government and civic engagement than did the Spanish.

Which of the following was a major difference between the Spanish colonies in the Americas in the 1500s?

2.2 – Which of the following was a major difference between the Spanish colonies in the Americas in the 1500s and the English colonies in the Americas in the early 1600s? The Spanish rejected assimilating American Indians into their culture, while the English favored assimilation.

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What was the major similarity between English and Spanish colonization?

The Spanish and English colonies were slightly alike in the poor and unfair treatment of indigenous people and substantially different in religion and economic base. The Spanish and English were slightly comparable in terms of treatment of indigenous people because of enslavement of native people and taking their land.

How did the relationship between the British and Spanish colonies differ?

The fundamental differences between the two countries led to a difference in the way the colonies of each country interacted with its government. The relationship of British and Spanish colonists with Native Americans also reflected the differences in the motives and the government of Britain and Spain.

What is the difference between the Portuguese and American colonies?

Portuguese: A sea Empire, enforcing exclusive use of the South Atlantic and Indian oceans. Sources of wealth were the spice trade, African slave trade and sugar cane plantations. Colonial presence was mainly coastal by design. Indigenous inhabitants in the American colony (Brazil) were semi nomadic tribal societies.

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What was the economic activity of the Spanish colonies like?

The economic activity of Spanish colonies was, again, much more rigid. Spanish colonies had a near-universal trading economy, and trade was strictly controlled by the Spanish monarchy and enforced by its military. The approaches Britain and Spain had towards colonization were reflected in their treatment of Native Americans.

Where did the Spanish colonies settle in America?

The Spanish colonies settled in Central and South America. Referred to as the “empire of conquest,” their colonization was somewhat brutal when it came to dealing with the indigenous people, but ultimately involved integration.