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What was so special about Walt in Lost?

What was so special about Walt in Lost?

Ability. Walt is “special” because he can manifest his thoughts into reality. In the episode “Special”, Walt is chased through the jungle by a polar bear after reading a comic book with a polar bear in it. All of the above stems from the exposure Walt had to a source of electromagnetic energy in Australia.

Why did the others take Walt on Lost?

Originally Answered: Why did the Others kidnap Walt? They abducted him because he was a child and the Others had a habit of taking kids that ended up on the Island, because of their own fertility woes. Walt was later used as leverage for Michael to carry out Ben/Jacob/MiB’s orders.

What was the plan for Walt on Lost?

When the Lost producers were developing the character of Walt, they intended for him to display supernatural powers by summoning animals—in the episode “Special”, it is suggested that Walt is able both to cause a bird to fly into a window and make a polar bear attack him through telepathy.

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Why did Michael and Walt leave lost?

Here Walt is kidnapped by the Island’s previous inhabitants, the Others, and Michael spends his time trying to retrieve him. He is eventually successful, and they leave the Island together, but the guilt over the murders he had to commit to achieve this leads him to an estrangement with his son and a suicide attempt.

Do they ever find Walt in Lost?

In Lost, mostly all the dead and non-dead characters return for the last season. But Walt didn’t return for it, he didn’t even appear in Lost: Missing Pieces episode, Room 23 which was even about him. He did appear in the epilogue but he was absent from most of the show, even when he is supposed to be so special.

Did Shannon really see Walt?

After the raft burns, Shannon sees twice Walt. My first thought would be that this would be the Man In Black, trying to get her killed, but it has been established that he can only morph into people that have died, and Walt is alive.

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What did Walt whisper to Shannon?

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What does Walt whisper to Shannon?

“Abandoned” While he was gone, Walt appeared in the tent, dripping wet and speaking backwards. He said what appeared to be, “They’re coming and they’re close.” Sayid comforts Shannon before hearing the whispers.

Why did Malcolm David Kelley leave Lost?

But unfortunately for Kelley, it meant that he wouldn’t get to work on the interesting future storylines that the writers initially had planned for him. Walt was originally supposed to develop supernatural powers, which was only briefly explored in season one.

Why was Michael written out of Lost?

His character was supposed to be 10 years old. After the first season, he had a major growth spurt and had majorly out-aged his in-show character. This forced the producers to write Walt out of the show, leaving his mysteries unresolved.

How did Walt talk to Michael on the computer?

Nonetheless, communication via the computer was possible, as Michael communicated with Walt while he was on shift in the Hatch. (“What Kate Did”) It appears that Michael activated chat mode by simply banging on the keys until the computer displayed a chat interface, or it may have been activated by the other end.

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What happened to Michael and Walt on lost?

Due to how time was supposed to be moving on the show, Michael and Walt were written off Lost with a promise of a return down the line at the end of Season 2. Season 1 was a story about a father and son being forced together. Season 2 was about what that father would do when the unthinkable happens and he loses his son again.

How many episodes of Lost is the original Walt in?

Walt appears in thirty episodes of Lost; 27 in seasons one and two as a series regular, and three more episodes as a guest star. He also features in the Lost epilogue ” The New Man in Charge “.

What is Walter Lloyd’s real name on lost?

Walt Lloyd. Walter “Walt” Lloyd is a fictional character portrayed by Malcolm David Kelley in the American ABC television series Lost.

What happened to Walt on ‘the Waltons’?

For fans of the show, this is the beginning of the lost potential with Walt in particular. In a story that’s well documented, Malcolm David Kelley (who played Walt) hit puberty and experienced noticeable physical changes much sooner than expected.