What type of disease is jaundice?

What type of disease is jaundice?

Jaundice is a condition in which the skin, whites of the eyes and mucous membranes turn yellow because of a high level of bilirubin, a yellow-orange bile pigment. Jaundice has many causes, including hepatitis, gallstones and tumors. In adults, jaundice usually doesn’t need to be treated.

What are the three water borne diseases?

Some of the most common water borne diseases in India are:

  • Malaria.
  • Typhoid.
  • Cholera.
  • Giardiasis.
  • Amoebic Dysentery.
  • Amoebiasis.
  • Hepatitis A.
  • Shigellosis.

What are examples of water borne diseases?

Commonly recognized waterborne infections are:

  • Cryptosporidiosis (Cryptosporidium)
  • Cyclosporiasis (Cyclospora spp.)
  • Escherichia coli O157:H7 Infection (E.
  • Giardiasis (Giardia)
  • Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)
  • Hot Tub Rash (Pseudomonas Dermatitis/Folliculitis)
  • Legionellosis (Legionella)
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What is the most common waterborne disease?

Diarrhea. The most common of all water-borne diseases, diarrhea, mainly affects children below five years of age. The symptoms include dizziness, dehydration, pale skin, and loss of consciousness in severe cases.

Is jaundice communicable or noncommunicable?

No, jaundice itself isn’t contagious Jaundice is a condition that occurs when too much bilirubin — a byproduct of the breakdown of red blood cells — builds up in the body. The most well-known symptom of jaundice is a yellow tint to the skin, eyes, and mucus membranes.

Which of the following is not a waterborne disease?

Therefore, Asthma is not a water borne disease while Cholera and Amoebiasis are water borne diseases as their causative agent spreads through contaminated water. Hepatitis A and E, poliomyelitis, diarrhoea, etc. Typhoid, Paratyphoid, dysentery, cholera, etc.

Is measles a waterborne disease?

Measles, an infectious viral disease transmitted via droplets from the nose, mouth or throat of infected persons, could also be reported from among the flood-affected population. Pneumonia, lung infection, and respiratory problems are some of the manifestations of the disease in children.

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Is polio a water borne disease?

The result: dangerous diseases like cholera and typhoid fever. Other waterborne diseases include diarrhoea, dysentery, polio and meningitis.

What are the non communicable diseases?

Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), including heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and chronic lung disease, are collectively responsible for almost 70\% of all deaths worldwide.

What is communicable disease?

Communicable diseases, also known as infectious diseases or transmissible diseases, are illnesses that result from the infection, presence and growth of pathogenic (capable of causing disease) biologic agents in an individual human or other animal host.

Is jaundice a communicable disease?

No, jaundice itself isn’t contagious The most well-known symptom of jaundice is a yellow tint to the skin, eyes, and mucus membranes. Jaundice isn’t contagious, but the underlying conditions that cause it can be.

What are water-borne diseases?

NPS Photo. Water-borne diseases are found worldwide. Water-borne disease is found in lakes or streams that have been infected by animal or human feces or urine. Many water-borne diseases are also found in contaminated soil, food, and surfaces, or can be passed from person to person.

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What causes jaundice in newborns?

Jaundice is not a disease. It is a physical finding on exam. It can be present in newborns if they have rapid breakdown of blood or if they were born before their livers matured. It can happen when the bile duct gets blocked by a gallstone or a tumor of the pancreas.

What are the signs and symptoms of jaundice?

The main sign of jaundice is a yellowish discoloration of the white area of the eye and the skin. Urine is dark in colour.

Why do jaundice cases increase during summer?

Irregular water supply increases the chances for contamination, which further increases the risk of jaundice. Sewage contamination of drinking water is believed to be the main cause of widespread prevalence of jaundice cases during summer.