
What to do if you think your roommate is stealing?

What to do if you think your roommate is stealing?

If you suspect your roommate is stealing from you, here are a few steps you can take:

  1. Make sure the item isn’t misplaced. Don’t automatically accuse your roommate if something is missing.
  2. Mention the disappearance.
  3. File a police report.
  4. Only confront your roommate if you have proof or strong evidence.

How do you stop food thieves?

With that in mind, here are five strategies you can use to prevent losing your lunch to the opportunistic thief.

  1. Camouflage Your Food.
  2. Label Your Food.
  3. Adulterate Your Food.
  4. Don’t Put Your Lunch in the Fridge.
  5. Store Your Food in a More Public Space.

How do you prevent roommates from stealing food?

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Roommates should not allow their boyfriends to eat food that they haven’t paid for. They should have bought their own food. So, how do you prevent a roommate from stealing your food? Buy what you need for a meal or two if you can’t put a lock on the refrigerator.

Is your roommate stealing from you?

Roommate theft can be tricky if there isn’t any clear-cut evidence or if your roommate is a friend. Here’s what you need to know. If you suspect your roommate is stealing from you, here are a few steps you can take: Make sure the item isn’t misplaced.

How do I get rid of a roommate who ate chocolate?

Extra very hot chilli smeared round the inside of the container can help. Use gloves and dispose of them. Can also be done with laxitive chocolate repackaged. You are NOT aiming to poision, merely make a point. If the roommate is innocent, nothing happens.

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What is the best way to disuse theft?

The Chilli sandwich is often a good disuader. Make a nice sandwich, but with the very hottest chillies in it. I mean the real nightmare type with a Scofield reading way above Scotch Bonnet. Leave in a normal position where you would leave your food. Do NOT try and entice theft. Just leave it where you have experienced loss from.