
What to do if you see someone stealing in a store?

What to do if you see someone stealing in a store?

Swing by your local police station so you can talk to a law enforcement professional about what you should do if you find yourself dealing with a shoplifter. You may also want to take this opportunity to get their contact information, so you know who to call if you find a shoplifter in your store.

What should an employee do if they see someone stealing?

What to Do

  1. Make sure your evidence is strong.
  2. You will probably want to terminate the employee immediately.
  3. Notify the police.
  4. Don’t deduct anything from the employee’s final paycheck.
  5. Don’t discuss the situation with other employees or outsiders.

How do you deter retail theft?

10 effective ways to prevent shoplifting in your retail store:

  1. Keep your store organized and tidy.
  2. Know common shoplifting tactics.
  3. Optimize your store’s layout.
  4. Install security cameras.
  5. Add mirrors to your store.
  6. Use customer service as prevention.
  7. Use signage to deter thieves.
  8. Train your employees.
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What to do if you suspect shoplifting in a store?

Be certain that the suspected shoplifter has selected store merchandise and that he or she has attempted to carry it away. Watch the customer to make sure that he or she still has the item when you make the report. Wait until the shoplifter has had a chance to pay but instead leaves the store before you make a report.

What to do if someone is stealing from your store?

Whatever your company policy is, follow it. In larger stores, that will mean contacting security; you might have to use a special code over the store PA system, or pick up the phone and call the onsite security officer. In a small shop, though, you might not have a security officer to handle the situation.

What do you do when you witness theft in the store?

Chances are that when you were hired, you received training in what to do when you witness theft in the store. Whatever your company policy is, follow it. In larger stores, that will mean contacting security; you might have to use a special code over the store PA system, or pick up the phone and call the onsite security officer.

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What happens when shoplifters steal biscuits?

They may have to raise prices in order to repair losses caused by shoplifters. It’s not just about a single packet of biscuits: if many people steal packs of biscuits with the same reasoning, this will effectively led to losses to the store. Shoplifting causes about $35 billion of losses from businesses each year.