
What is yogakaraka Mars?

What is yogakaraka Mars?

The Yoga-karaka is the planet which rules a Kendra (‘Angular house’) and a Trikona (‘Trine’) simultaneously. Thus, Saturn is the yoga-karaka for Taurus and Libra, Mars for Cancer and Leo, Venus for Capricorn and Aquarius sign.

Where is Yogakaraka planet in astrology?

Like, for Cancer Ascendant, 5th house (a Trikona House) has Scorpio sign and 10th house (a Kendra House) has Aries sign. Now, both Scorpio and Aries are ruled by Mars. So, Mars is lord of a Kendra House and Trikona House, hence Mars becomes Yoga Karaka Planet for Cancer Ascendant people.

Why is Mars considered a yogakaraka planet for cancer ascendant?

This makes Mars a yogakaraka planet for Cancer ascendant. Mars relationship with Moon, Jupiter or even Venus produces a Rajyoga of high quality. That is why also Manglik Yoga/Dosha doesn’t really applicable to Cancer Ascendant native.

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What are the good and bad planets for cancer Ascendant Lagna?

Cancer ascendant is ruled by the moon. Will see in detail what are the good and bad planets for this Lagna. Good planets : Mars: as the lord of 5th & 10th house Mars becomes the ” raja yoga karaka” for Cancerians. As 5th is a Kona/trine, 10th is a Kendra house… Jupiter: as the lord of 6th and 9th houses Jupiter gives good results.

Which is the best house for yoga karaka Mars for Leo ascendant?

♦For Leo ascendant, yoga karaka mars gives good results in all the houses except for 8 th &12 th house. 8 th house of Leo belongs to watery sign Pisces and mars in 8 th and to make it worse in water sign, makes mars not to give good results. Best placement for Mars here is in 4 th & 5 th .

Is yoga karaka Saturn good for Libra ascendant?

♦For Libra ascendant, yoga karaka Saturn works well in all houses, though Saturn will be debilitated in 7 th house which can delay marriage but Saturn’s direct aspect over ascendant is very supportive all matters of life.