
What is under a Dementors hood?

What is under a Dementors hood?

In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Lupin states “the only people that know what’s under a Dementor’s hood are in no state to tell us” (being soulless) but from the fifth movie and onward, they are shown without any hood at all.

Why does the Ministry of magic use Dementors?

The Dementors obey the Minister because his government ensures a steady supply of victims for them to feed on. When this sustenance is denied to them, the Dementors tend to rebel. They disobey their orders twice and enter the Hogwarts grounds because they were extremely hungry.

Are Dementors wraiths?

The dementors, too, are wraithlike creatures, hooded with no concrete physical form. They are more like dark shapes, to be precise. In terms of appearance, the Nazgûl and the dementors are quite similar in that both are dark, formless shapes that ignite fear in people’s hearts.

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Are dementors physical?

Dementors have some type of PHYSICAL presence in the universe and have sentient thought. Given that they are a physical being, they seem to have their own free-will as evidenced by the fact they could be turned from the Ministry by The Dark Lord.

What powers do Dementors have?

Dementors are dark creatures that consume human happiness, creating an ambiance of coldness, darkness, misery and despair. Because of their power to drain happiness and hope from humans, they have been set the duty of being guards at Azkaban, where they prevent the prisoners from having the will or ability to escape.

What is a Dementor in literature?

—Description of Dementors A Dementor (pl. Dementors) was a Dark apparition that fed on human happiness and caused them to feel sadness and despair when in their presence. Through using a Dementor’s Kiss, they consumed a person’s soul until they were in a vegetative state like an empty shell, and their victim would not survive for long.

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Can Dementors communicate with each other?

It appears Dementors do have an ability to communicate because Cornelius Fudge told Harry he was told by an Azkaban guard about Black’s escape, and Remus Lupin told a Dementor searching for Black that he wasn’t in a train compartment like it should have understood. A Muggle could feel their presence, but they couldn’t see Dementors.

What is the Dementors’ Kiss?

The Dementors, unlike other scary magical beasties, keep on giving in the terrifying stakes with the Dementors’ Kiss. This is the worst kind of horrible as the Dementor locks its jaws on the mouth of a victim and sucks out their soul.

Why are there Dementors in Azkaban?

Dementors used to be employed in Azkaban to guard prisoners by the Ministry of Magic. It was an effort to control the Dementors by providing a good food source. Support for their use varied, and they eventually joined Voldemort in the Second Wizarding War. They would not be employed by the government again when the war ended.

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