
What is the remainder when 51 203 is divided by 7?

What is the remainder when 51 203 is divided by 7?

19 leaves a remainder -2 when divided by 7.

What is the remainder when 3 287 divided by 23?

thus , 3 is the remainder.

What is the remainder when 2 Power 51 is divided by 5?

Okay, getting back to 2^(51) divided by 5. First off, we take the power, i.e. 51, and divide it by the cyclicity of the base number, i.e. 2 in this case. =>51/4 gives a remainder of 3.

What is the remainder when 599 is divided by 13?

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Hence, remainder is 8.

What is the remainder when 3^51 is divided by 8?

3^51= 3 (9)^ (25) = 3 (1+8)^ (25) = 3 (1+8k) where k is a natural number.This is because in the expansion of (1+x)^n , the only term which is not involving x is 1^n=1 . So 3^51 = 3+8 (3k) .Therefore, the remainder obtained when 3^51 is divided by 8 is 3.

How to find the remainder of a polynomial function using remainder theorem?

When a polynomial function f (x) is divided by the linear x-c, then the remainder of polynomial function is always equal to f (c). We know that Dividend = (Divisor x Quotient ) + Remainder r (x) is remainder. Question: Solve (x^4 + 7x^3 + 5x^2 – 4x + 15) \% (x + 2) using remainder theorem?

How do you find the remainder when dividing by 10?

First, if a number is being divided by 10, then the remainder is just the last digit of that number. Similarly, if a number is being divided by 9, add each of the digits to each other until you are left with one number (e.g., 1164 becomes 12 which in turn becomes 3), which is the remainder.

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What is the remainder when 599 is divided by 9?

What is the remainder when 599 is divided by 9? The remainder is 5 . To calculate this, first divide 599 by 9 to get the largest multiple of 9 before 599. 5/9 < 1, so carry the 5 to the tens, 59/9 = 6 r 5, so carry the 5 to the digits. 59/9 = 6 r 5 again, so the largest multiple is 66.