
What is the passive voice of he is sleeping?

What is the passive voice of he is sleeping?

The passive voice of “He is sleeping on the floor” would be “The floor is being slept on by him.” Can you see how ridiculous this sounds? There! I think I’m done with passive voice answers!

What is a passive answer?

Last Updated: Aug 13, 2015 Views: 4947. To avoid passive voice, you must be direct and precise in your verb choices. Passive voice is a verb form that creates a sense of indirect action in a sentence and often conceals the subject of a sentence. Thus, the subject may or may not be clear in sentence.

Is the baby sleeping passive voice?

The baby is sleeping. Since intransitive verbs are those which do not have an object, this sentence cannot be changed to passive form. …

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What is the passive voice of a verb?

Voice is a category of the verb. A verb can either be in the active voice or the passive voice. Only transitive verbs can be in the passive voice. Transitive verbs are followed by at least one object.

What is a passive to active voice translator?

What Is a Passive to Active Voice Translator? An online tool to detect passive voice sentences and suggest the desired corrections in a piece of writing automatically with the help of predefined software-based linguistic algorithms and grammatical rules is known as a passive voice converter.

What are the top 3 features of an active/passive voice converter?

The top 3 features of an online professional-level active/passive voice changing tool should include ease in use, instant results, great reliability. The simple to use and intuitive interface make a professional active to passive converter more attractive for the users.

Why do we need a fix passive voice tool to remain online?

The need for a fix passive voice tool to remain online is always present because the internet does not sleep at all. To earn the reputation of reliable and trustworthy service, online passive checker tools to change passive to active should be up and available for at least 99.99\% of the total time of the year.