
What is the least stable element?

What is the least stable element?

Francium is the heaviest alkali and the least stable of the first 103 elements on the periodic table.

What’s the rarest element in the universe?

Astatine is the rarest naturally occurring element.

Which elements have no stable isotopes?

Isotopes per element. Of the known chemical elements, 80 elements have at least one stable nuclide. These comprise the first 82 elements from hydrogen to lead, with the two exceptions, technetium (element 43) and promethium (element 61), that do not have any stable nuclides.

Is sodium stable or unstable?

This is a very unstable arrangement, and the element sodium is a highly reactive, deadly white semi-solid that will burst into flames on exposure to the air or will burn through human flesh on contact. A reactive substance. Chlorine atoms have 17 electrons.

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What is the least abundant element in the universe?

The least abundant naturally occurring element in the universe is Astatine – Wikipedia . To this date, Astatine has never been found in nature. It was only isolated when it was synthesized from Bismuth-209, a radioactive but long lived isotope that can be found in nature.

Is Neon a stable element?

Neon is the fourth most abundant element in the universe, according to the Jefferson Laboratory. These are the most stable and least reactive elements due to having full valence shells (the outer shell has the max number of electrons, two for helium, eight for the rest).

What are the most stable?

But, what about helium and other noble gases? They are considered the most stable elements in the whole periodic table. But their binding energy per nucleon value is less than iron-56.

What is the heaviest stable element in the universe?

No undiscovered elements are expected to be stable; therefore, lead is considered the heaviest stable element. However, it is possible that some isotopes that are now considered stable will be revealed to decay with extremely long half-lives (as with 209 ).

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What are the lightest 5 elements that have stable isotopes?

4 Answers The lightest 5 elements that have stable isotopes are: Hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, and boron NEVER decay. There are something like 70 others, that are also stable, NEVER decay. I don’t know about the other ones, but as far as I know the most stable element is Iron.

How many elements have isotopes with a half life of 100 years?

Only 13 of the 38 known-but-unstable elements have isotopes with a half-life of at least 100 years. Every known isotope of the remaining 25 elements is highly radioactive; these are used in academic research and sometimes in industry and medicine.

What is the least energetic element that can decay?

There are something like 70 others, that are also stable, NEVER decay. Hydrogen, Helium, and Beryllium. As these are the lightest elements, and therefore the ‘least energetic’ for these purposes.