Tips and tricks

What is the integral of Cosecx?

What is the integral of Cosecx?

The integral of cosec x is denoted by ∫ cosec x dx (or) ∫ csc x dx and its value is ln |cosec x – cot x| + C. This is also known as the antiderivative of cosec x.

What is the expansion of E X?

(Math | Calculus | Series | Exponent)

Function Summation Expansion Comments
e e= 1 / n! = 1/1 + 1/1 + 1/2 + 1/6 + … see constant e
e -1 = (-1) n / n! = 1/1 – 1/1 + 1/2 – 1/6 + …
e x = xn / n! = 1/1 + x/1 + x2 / 2 + x3 / 6 + …

How do you find the expansion of a function?

A Taylor Series is an expansion of some function into an infinite sum of terms, where each term has a larger exponent like x, x2, x3, etc….The derivative of cos is −sin, and the derivative of sin is cos, so:

  1. f(x) = cos(x)
  2. f'(x) = −sin(x)
  3. f”(x) = −cos(x)
  4. f”'(x) = sin(x)
  5. etc…
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Does Cscx equal 1 Sinx?

The secant of x is 1 divided by the cosine of x: sec x = 1 cos x , and the cosecant of x is defined to be 1 divided by the sine of x: csc x = 1 sin x .

What is cot and Cosec?

Secant (sec) is the reciprocal of cosine (cos) Cosecant (cosec) is the reciprocal of sin. Cotangent (cot) is the reciprocal of tan.

What is the expansion of e 2?

Well, we already know the answer is e2 = 2.71828… × 2.71828… = 7.389056…

What is the expansion of Secx?

Answer: sec(x) = 1 + x²/2 + 5x⁴/24 + ………

How do you find the expansion of cosecx?

The trick for expansion of cosecx is written as-cosecx=1/sinx i.e.,cosecx= sin^-1x,which is a trigonometric function. Be a stronger writer this year. Polish your paper faster with real-time writing suggestions.

What is SEC SEC cosec and cot X?

Sec, Cosec and Cot. Secant, cosecant and cotangent, almost always written as sec, cosec and cot are trigonometric functions like sin, cos and tan. sec x = 1. cos x. cosec x = 1. sin x. cot x = 1 = cos x. tan x sin x. Note, sec x is not the same as cos -1 x (sometimes written as arccos x).

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What is the difference between secsecant and cosec?

Secant, cosecant and cotangent, almost always written as sec, cosec and cot are trigonometric functions like sin, cos and tan. sec x = 1. cos x. cosec x = 1. sin x. cot x = 1 = cos x. tan x sin x. Note, sec x is not the same as cos -1 x (sometimes written as arccos x). Remember, you cannot divide by zero and so these definitions are only valid

What is secsec x = 1 cos x?

sec x = 1 cos x. cosec x = 1 sin x cot x = 1 = cos x tan x sin x. Note, sec x is not the same as cos-1 x (sometimes written as arccos x).