
What is the first thing you need to tell 911 when you call to report an emergency situation?

What is the first thing you need to tell 911 when you call to report an emergency situation?

Immediately tell the 911 dispatcher the nature of your emergency: “I need the police, fire or paramedics.” This is important since you may need to be transferred to the appropriate agency. Be prepared to provide the following information: Location of the emergency. Location you are calling from (if different)

What 3 pieces of information do you need when calling 911?

When calling 9-1-1 your child needs to know their name, parent’s name, telephone number, and most importantly their address. Tell them to answer all the call takers questions and to stay on the phone until instructed to hang up.

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How do you notify 911?

Dial 911 from any phone. To speak with a 911 dispatcher, simply punch in the numbers “9-1-1” on any working phone and stay on the line.

What should you tell 911 when you call?

When you call 911, a call-taker will answer the phone and say “911” or “911, what’s your emergency?”. Ideally, you should tell the call-taker what the emergency is, for example: “My house is on fire!”

Why should a caller to 911 Never hang up until told to do so?

Don’t hang up until the 911 agent tells you to You may feel there’s no further need to stay on the line, but emergencies are, by their very nature, unpredictable. It may turn out that you’ll need to open a door for the police, or flag down a fire truck, if they can’t find you easily.

Will 911 work on a cell phone?

First, hold down the power button until you see an option for Emergency Mode. Tap it and that will bring up five options: Flashlight, Emergency, Share My Location, Phone and Internet. Below those options, there will be a button for Emergency Call. Tap the button and it will verify if you want to call 911.

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What should I tell my emergency services?

number, name, nearest cross street, and locality. In rural areas it is important to give the full address and distances from landmarks and roads, not just the name of the property. Don’t hang up until the operator has all the information they need. emergency services to arrive to assist them to locate the emergency.

How do you silently call 911?

According to, once a 911 dispatcher has answered, silent 911 callers can press:

  1. for police.
  2. for fire services.
  3. for an ambulance. When dispatchers ask questions, silent callers can also press:
  4. to respond “Yes”
  5. to respond “No”

What do you say to EMS?

Tell EMS where you are. The more information you can give, the better (and more quickly) they’ll be able to find you.

  • Tell them the phone number. So that if you get cut off, or they need more information, they can call you back.
  • Tell EMS about the Casualties.
  • Stay on the Line.
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