
What is the difference between approximate estimate and detailed estimates?

What is the difference between approximate estimate and detailed estimates?

An approximate estimate gives the approximate cost of the work and is prepared on the basis of cost of the similar works carried out in the past. Such an estimate is required to obtain administrative approval in case of Government works. A detailed estimate is prepared after its complete set of drawings are ready.

What is a detailed estimate?

A detailed estimate is drawn up when there’s more information available or the scope of the project is better known. Detailed estimates include incredibly detailed information on quantities, costs and rates—in fact, all items necessary to complete the project.

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What are the types of detailed estimate?

Types of detailed cost estimate are following:

  • Detailed/item rate estimate.
  • Revised estimate.
  • Supplementary estimate.
  • Supplementary revised estimate.
  • Annual repair and maintenance estimate.

What are the factors to be considered for the preparation of detailed estimate?

The main factor to be considered while preparing a detailed estimate is. Quantity of materials. Availability of materials. Transportation of materials.

What is the purpose of detailed estimate?

In Government Organisation, a detailed estimate is required for obtaining technical sanction from the competent authorities for the proposed work. A detailed estimate is also required for the preparation of contract (agreement) document. The detailed estimates serve as a guide during the execution of the work.

What is detailed estimate in civil engineering?

Detailed Estimate. A detailed estimate of the cost of a project is prepared by determining the quantities and costs of every thing that a contractor is required to provide and do for the satisfactory completion of the work. It is the best and most reliable form of estimate.

What is revised estimate in civil engineering?

(4) Revised Estimate :- A revised estimate is a detailed estimate for the revised quantities and rates of. items of works originally provided in the estimate without material deviations of a structural nature from the. design originally approved for a project.

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How is a detailed estimate prepared?

The preparations of detailed construction estimate consist of working out quantities of various items of work and then determine the cost of each item….The detailed estimate should be accompanied with:

  1. Report.
  2. Specification.
  3. Drawings (plans, elevation, sections)
  4. Design charts and calculations.
  5. Standard schedule of rates.

What are the different factors affecting detailed estimate?

While there are many factors, here are the 6 key factors which affect the construction cost estimate:

  • Construction Material Costs.
  • Construction Site Conditions.
  • Inflation Factor.
  • Regulatory Requirements.
  • Location of Construction.
  • Engineering Review.

How do you prepare a building estimate?

Methods of Detailed Construction Estimation Preparation

  1. i) Details of measurements and calculation of quantities:
  2. Details of measurements form.
  3. ii) Abstract of Estimated Cost:
  4. Abstract of Estimate Form.
  5. The detailed estimate should be accompanied with:
  6. Factors to be considered while Preparing Detailed Estimate:

What is the meaning of revised estimate?

So, a revised estimate is due to material deviation from the original proposal. It is accompanied with a comparative statement abtract from showing the probable variations for quantity, rate and amount against each item of work involved in the project.

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What is the difference between a rough estimate and a detailed estimate?

Detailed estimates are used in the “Estimate”, ” Used “, and “Remaining” fields in backlog items and tasks: Rough estimates are completely separate from detailed estimates, and you can use different units for them, such as points for rough estimates, and days or hours for detailed estimates.

What are the different types of detailed cost estimates?

Types of detailed cost estimate are following: Detailed/item rate estimate. Revised estimate. Supplementary estimate. Supplementary revised estimate. Annual repair and maintenance estimate. Detailed cost estimates are prepared carefully. These calculate in detail the cost of various items work that constitutes the whole project.

What are the different types of estimations?

8.  Preliminary/Appx./Abstract/Rough Cost Estimate  Plinth Area Estimate  Cube Rate or Cubical Content Estimate  Appx.