What is it called when you want bad things to happen?

What is it called when you want bad things to happen?

OCD can make it seem like one choice might prevent a bad thing. Or that another choice might make a bad thing happen. Someone with OCD may not know why they think, feel, and do these things. They may worry what others will think. They may even think they are going ‘crazy’ — but they’re not.

Why do I wish for trauma?

Sometimes people with trauma want to feel in control of their emotions or actions but find it very difficult. They may find they live with regret over things they have done, even though they know they made the right choice.

Is it bad to wish pain on someone?

When is it ok to wish ill on someone? Well, the short answer is: never. It’s never ok to wish harm on anyone else. If you do, you’re actually inviting that bad energy back into your life tenfold.

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How do I know if I’ve been traumatized?

Suffering from severe fear, anxiety, or depression. Unable to form close, satisfying relationships. Experiencing terrifying memories, nightmares, or flashbacks. Avoiding more and more anything that reminds you of the trauma.

How do I stop wanting something so bad?

Take them where they fit given your own experiences.

  1. Acknowledge the wanting but don’t turn the volume up so you can’t hear anything else.
  2. Bring compassion to yourself.
  3. Have the courage to get perspective.
  4. Have the courage to hope with perspective.
  5. Direct your energy towards what you can control.
  6. You’ve got this.

Why do some people want bad things to happen to them?

Well according to some psychologists, when someone wants bad things to happen to them it’s because they feel some kind of guilt, and therefore by feeling pain the subconsciously feel relived, because “they’ve gotten what they deserve”.

Why does the universe keep bringing me people who wrong me?

If you are constantly wishing negative things will happen to those who wrong you, the universe will constantly bring you people who wrong you so you can continue wishing negative things will happen to them. That’s your vibration.

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Do you wish bad things to happen on others?

To wish bad things to happen on others is an unhealthy frame of mind for me, as it is loaded with negative energy.

Does proving other people Wrong Bring you Down or up?

That’s where proving other people wrong is going to bring you down, step away from that. Remember that you are up and that you are proving yourself right. Your supporters and advocates are not going to make you feel bad or bring you down, they are going to have a good response at the end of the tunnel.