What if your partner has no goals?

What if your partner has no goals?

The problem with lack of ambition in one partner is that it can lead to a lack of respect from the other. This can become a huge issue. If your partner is lazy, or not contributing financially, there is definitely cause for concern.

Can you be with someone who has different goals?

Treat your partner with kindness and encouragement if they change their goals even if it may cause conflict. Remember that they will support you if you want to make changes as well. When your priority is not only your relationship but the well being of yourself and your partner, this will become easier to accept.

Do couples have to have the same goals?

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You don’t have to have the same goals to support one another in accomplishing your own, of course. But helping each other to self-actualize and follow your own unique life goals is a really important part of a partnership. “Couples need to give each other the opportunity to blossom.

Why do relationships take so long to work?

If you see value in the relationship you have with the person, then things will take time. For folks who have been in many relationships, they might be more open to let their guard down, but for folks where this is a new concept, they’re still adjusting.

What is the relationship you have with someone like?

The relationship you have with someone should be designed to make them a better person, not completely change who they are; some get these two statements mixed up. Even the way you communicate can have an impact on the dynamic between you two.

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Should you date two super ambitious people in a relationship?

To provide a converse point of view, having two super ambitious people in a relationship can have its downsides too. Serious relationships almost always require at least one member to make career sacrifices.

Would you date a girlfriend who doesn’t value career?

If I had a girlfriend who didn’t value career, things would be much easier in many cases. This issue is a double-edge sword if you consider yourself extremely ambitious. You need someone who will make you happy in the long run, whoever that is.