
What if we can actually breathe in space?

What if we can actually breathe in space?

The vacuum of space will pull the air from your body. Without air in your lungs, blood will stop sending oxygen to your brain. You’ll pass out after about 15 seconds. 90 seconds after exposure, you’ll die from asphyxiation.

Has anyone ever tried to breathe in space?

No, there is no way to stand out in space and try to breath! Why? because the water and other liquids in your body are going to evaporate instantly (and you’re gonna die, off course). As we know, the water evaporating temperature is a function of the pressure.

Who found out we couldn’t breathe in space?

Galileo had been performing many different experiments on air. He knew that air had weight and some force that resisted the formation of a vacuum. One year after Galileo’s death, Torricelli successfully completed the experiment and created an apparatus that could produce a partial vacuum!

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Can a person breathe outside the Earth’s atmosphere?

A person cannot breathe outside the Earth’s atmosphere because there isn’t any air out there. We know there isn’t any air out there. We are certain of it.

Is it possible to leave the Earth’s atmosphere?

The hydrogen molecules that make up the outer atmosphere are so sparse that this region is still considered a vacuum. Any spacecraft traveling through it wouldn’t notice a thing or be slowed by drag. It does mean, however, that humankind has yet to leave the Earth’s atmosphere.

How can we determine that there is no air out there?

One way we could determine that there is no air out there is to launch a spacecraft with an astronaut/cosmonaut on it, get them into orbit, have them go out on a space walk, have them remove their helmet and record the results. That would – in my estimation – be a definitive test. Another way is to send a probe up to measure the air.

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How does air leak out of the Space Station?

The space shuttle and the space station orbit hundreds of miles up. Additional evidence happens around imperfect seals between components and sections of the space station, orbiter and transport vessels, etc. Air doesn’t leak out of something unless there’s less pressure on the outside of the thing.