
What happens to my body when I stop purging?

What happens to my body when I stop purging?

When you first stop purging, you may experience negative side effects like bloating that lead you to believe you’re gaining weight. In reality, most of this weight gain is due to water retention, since vomiting can dehydrate you and your body feels the need to compensate.

Are the effects of bulimia permanent?

Long Term Consequences As bulimia progresses, the effects of bingeing and purging start to cause more severe and permanent damage to the body. For example, when the body isn’t getting enough calories from food, it starts consuming muscle.

Does bulimia stretch your stomach?

Repeated vomiting erodes the enamel of your teeth, leading to yellow teeth, mouth sensitivity, and rapid tooth decay. For women, bulimia sometimes causes fertility issues. Repeated binging stretches the stomach and increases the amount of food you are able to eat; however, the human body does have a limit.

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Can your body recover after bulimia?

Many people successfully recover from bulimia and go on to live full and healthy lives.

Does bulimia change your face?

Bad breath is another Bulimia effect. Face swelling is one of the Bulimia effects sufferers find most distressing: sometimes described as ‘Bulimia face,’ the swelling can make people feel their face ‘looks fat’. What is taking place is the body’s reaction to self-induced vomiting and the dehydration it causes.

What are the long term affects by bulimia?

Giddiness Constant mood swings Tooth decay Redness in eyes Puffy cheeks or facial swelling Throat swelling due to vomiting Blood in vomit Weak heart showing irregular heartbeat Compulsive exercising to control weight Lower sex drive

What are harmful effects of bulimia?

Specific Effects. Bulimia can be quite harmful to the body over the long run. Some of bulimia’s effects include: Heart problems, such as irregular heartbeat, low pulse, low blood pressure, weakened heart muscle, or heart failure. Fluids and electrolytes problems, such as dehydration and low levels of potassium, magnesium, and sodium.

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Does bulimia cause permanent damage?

Bulimia damages the nerves that signal to your brain that your stomach is full. This damage is oftentimes irreversible. Individuals with bulimia may also suffer from bloating and ulcers.

What are the risk factors of having bulimia?

Factors that increase your risk of bulimia may include: Biology. People with first-degree relatives (siblings, parents or children) with an eating disorder may be more likely to develop an eating disorder, suggesting a possible genetic link. Being overweight as a child or teen may increase the risk.