What exactly is going to happen on Judgement day?

What exactly is going to happen on Judgement day?

Muslims believe that on a day decided by Allah , and known only to Allah, life on Earth will come to an end and Allah will destroy everything. Muslims believe that they will remain in their graves until this day. …

Where in the Bible does it say if you judge you will be judged?

Bible Gateway Matthew 7 :: NIV. “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?

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What are the signs of Judgement day?

Major signs

  • A huge black cloud of smoke (dukhan) will cover the earth.
  • Three sinkings of the earth, one in the east.
  • One sinking of the earth in the west.
  • One sinking of the earth in Arabia.
  • The coming of Dajjal, presuming himself as an apostle of God.
  • The return of Isa (Jesus), from the fourth sky, to kill Dajjal.

What happens on Judgement Day in the Bible?

Judgment Day. Also known as the Final Judgment. It is the very last thing that happens before God destroys the old heaven and the old earth, which are corrupt on account of sin. Before He creates His new heaven and new earth, He has to do away with anything that could bring sin into the new creation.

Who will be excluded from Judgment Day?

Excluded from this judgment on Judgment Day will be those who are in the bride of Christ. They have already stood before the judgment seat of Christ while they were in the situations of their daily lives. They have let God’s light shine in their hearts, pointing out the sin and unrighteousness that needed to be dealt with.

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Is God a god of judgement or Grace?

God is a God of judgment but He is also a God of grace (Psalm 103:8). Psalm 103:10 is true only because of the GRACE OF GOD. The wonderful truth of the gospel is that God can be gracious to sinful men WITHOUT COMPROMISING HIS JUSTICE.

What will happen to our memories on Judgment Day?

Everything we do is recorded. Imagine what it will be like when God begins to page through our memories on Judgment Day. If we have sinned, we have opportunity while in this life to repent and get forgiveness. Then God wipes it away, never to be remembered again. Then when the books are opened we will only have to give account for good works.