
What European country has the most brown eyes?

What European country has the most brown eyes?

Lighter eyes across Northern Europe

Nation Blue Brown
Denmark 64.8\% 14.5\%
Great Britain 42.8\% 31.8\%
France 22.0\% 34.0\%
Germany 39.6\% 27.2\%

Do European have brown eyes?

Brown eyes are everywhere in Europe, from north to south, although in different percentages. Blue eyes are caused by a recessive gene, so the presence and prevalence of brown eyes is normal and natural everywhere in the world, Europe included.

What nationality has the most brown eyes?

Brown is the most common eye color. Dark brown eyes are most common in Africa, East Asia, and Southeast Asia.

What’s the most common eye color in the world?

Brown, which is the most common eye color in the world. Green, which is the least common eye color. Only 9\% of people in the United States have green eyes. Hazel, a combination of brown and green.

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What ethnic groups have brown hair and brown eyes?

It’s mainly Southern Europeans that have Brown hair and Brown eyes,But other Europeans do have Brown hair and Brown eyes,There is Scandinavians with Brown hair and Brown eyes not all Scandinavians have Blonde hair and Blue eyes it’s a myth. All! All ethnic groups have Brown eyes and brown hair…

What percentage of the world’s population has brown eyes?

The vast majority of the world’s population has brown eyes, with blue coming in a very distant second. While just 2\% of the world has green eyes and about 10\% have blue eyes, 86\% of people in Ireland and Scotland have one of these two colors.

Why are blue eyes more common in Caucasians than brown eyes?

If the parent with brown hair was heterozygous, or had one allele for brown hair and one blonde (and one for blue eyes one for brown), then it’s up to c Because of genetics and evolution, blue eyes are more likely to be seen in Caucasians.

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What countries in Europe do you see the most brown eyes?

In my own country, Slovakia, I see about 50\% brown eyes, maybe even more, which means majority. In most of european countries in the Balkans, I definitely see more brown eyes than anything else: Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia..