
What does it mean when your life line branches off?

What does it mean when your life line branches off?

A broken life line is not a good sign health-wise. The breaks predict illness or accidents during the person’s lifetime. The location of the break in the life line indicates when an accident or illness will happen (has happened).

How can you tell how old your life line is?

Calculate a person’s age. If the life line (LL) to heart line (HL) ratio is: 0.36 – this LL/HL ratio indicates a lifespan of 64 years years. 0.37 – this LL/HL ratio suggests a lifespan of 68 years. 0.35 – this LL/HL ratio means a lifespan of 71 years.

What is purpose of using life line?

A lifeline is a fall protection safety device in the form of an open fence composed of wire and stanchions secured around the perimeter of an area to prevent accidental falls.

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What happens when there is a gap between the head and lifeline?

When there is a gap between the head and life line, the person is more adventurous and has an independent nature, and not necessarily connected by a bond to the family. They have learned to think for themselves at a young age, either by choice or by circumstance. If this gap is very wide, they can be impulsive or foolhardy. (3) STRAIGHT HEAD LINE

What is the line of head?

The Line of Head is more frequently found connected with than separated from the Line of Life. When the space is not very wide (3-3, Plate I.), it is an excellent mark to have, giving independence of thought, quickness of judgment, and a certain mental daring that is invaluable in fighting the battle of life.

What is the relationship between head line and life line?

The greater gap between the head line and the life line, the more the love of independence will be present within a person and might be somewhat foolhardy or rash in decision making. This line rules the realm of the intellect, thought and forward motion.

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What does it mean when a line is separated from life?

When this line is separated from the line of life it is a sign of self-confidence. When joined to the line of life it shows a want of self-confidence. When long and straight – commercial sense indicated. When very long and sloping, imagination and artistic feeling are indicated, but little judgment.