
What does it mean when a girl says she wants to be taken care of?

What does it mean when a girl says she wants to be taken care of?

Someone to take care of her, yes. But by take care of her she means that she wants you to stand by her, support her, challenge her, encourage her, need her just as much as she needs you.

What does it mean to feel taken care of?

take care of (someone or something) To look after, assume responsibility for, or care for someone or something.

What does I want to take care of you mean?

If you care for someone, you are taking care of him or her. This means that you have feelings toward the person and want to ensure his or her well-being. You may also have a loving family relationship with the person that you care for.

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What’s another way to say taken care of?

What is another word for taken care of?

babysat watched
mothered nursed
protected superintended
administered to attended to
cared for kept an eye on

What does it mean when a woman gets very close to you?

Okay, so with the sign of a woman getting very close to you, it’s important to look at that sign in combination with other signs of sexual interest. A woman sitting next to you, talking to you and being very close doesn’t always mean that she wants you sexually if she just shows that sign of interest.

What does it mean when a girl cares about you?

A girl who cares about you will put your happiness a little in front of her own, not completely, but she will want you to be the one smiling. This can be something big or small, like giving you the last piece of chocolate cake, or missing out on a party because she knows you need her help with something.

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What do women actually mean when they say “that’s Okay”?

06 “What do women actually mean when they say: That’s okay…” “They actually mean they are mad at you.” “Quite simply, it means: ‘Go to hell. I have no more words for you. It’s just not worth it.’” “They are simply amazed that you could be so stupid or inconsiderate.” 09 “When women say: Are you really going to wear that?” “You are not wearing that.

What do women mean when they say “what did you say?

02 “When women say: What did you say?” “It basically means, ‘I heard you clearly but you might want to rephrase your statement’.” “They mean: ‘Try me. I dare you to.’” “It can mean yes, or no or maybe. You have to read the body language and situation.” 06 “What do women actually mean when they say: That’s okay…”