
What does it mean to have a teardrop tattoo under your left eye?

What does it mean to have a teardrop tattoo under your left eye?

A teardrop tattoo on the left eye means that the person murdered someone in jail, and a teardrop tattoo on the right eye means the person lost a family or gang member to murder. In recent years, it’s become an extremely popular tattoo for rappers and celebrities in an effort to play up their “gangster” image.

What do tattoos under eyes mean?

Traditionally, teardrop under eye tattoos were used to denote gang affiliation, mark violent crimes, and pay homage to loved ones lost. Instead of representing murder or lengthy prison sentences, the symbolism behind these under eye tattoos has shifted towards remembrance of lives lost and odes to past struggles.

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Can anyone get a tear drop tattoo?

Teardrop tattoos are one of the most intriguing tattoo designs you’ll find, partly because all categories of people wear them, from famous musicians like Lil Wayne and Amy Winehouse to gangsters and everyday Joes. These tattoos come in a wide range of designs and may be combined with one or more other tattoo options.

Which eye do you cry out of first?

If the first tear comes from the right eye, it means happiness and if it comes from the left eye, it’s sadness.

What does 3 teardrop tattoos mean?

The teardrop has been popularized recently by rappers and other celebrities, but still remains a staple in prisons. The three dots tattoo is a common prison tattoo that represents “mi vida loca,” or “my crazy life.” It’s not associated with any particular gang, but with the gang lifestyle itself.

What does it mean if a teardrop tattoo is filled in?

attempted murder
In West Coast gang culture (USA), the tattoo may signify that the wearer has killed someone and in some of those circles, the tattoo’s meaning can change: an empty outline meaning either the wearer attempted murder or that a fellow gang member or friend died and when filled in, the wearer sought revenge.

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What does a tear drop tattoo under the left eye symbolize?

This tattoo can also signify that a loved one has died, either naturally or to violence. When worn in this manner, a clear teardrop can indicate that the wearer seeks vengeance. Left or Right Eye: In some gangs, what eye the tattoo is under symbolizes killing a person, losing a friend or an inner turmoil.

What does the tear drop tattoo under the eye mean?

Under Eye Tattoo. The infamous Tear Drop is a popular prison tattoo symbol that can mean many things. For some prisons, an outline symbolizes attempted murder, while a full black teardrop means that the prisoner committed murder. A life has been taken, which explains why the design is such.

What does a tattoo of a teardrop under the eye mean?

The teardrop tattoo or tear tattoo is a symbolic tattoo of a tear that is placed underneath the eye.

What does a teardrop tattoo mean?

Teardrop Tattoo Meaning. Sometimes, this may symbolize the membership of a gang. When associated with being in prison, these tattoos signify the number of killings the wearer has in his criminal record. It is a tattoo that is also inked for every five years of hard suffering time a person has served in prison.