What does it mean to be platonically attracted to someone?

What does it mean to be platonically attracted to someone?

Here at AUREA we define platonic attraction as: An interest or desire for friendship or other close relationship with a particular person. Most often, this relationship is non-romantic and non-sexual, but this can vary depending on the person.

Can you have a platonic relationship while in a relationship?

A platonic relationship is a relationship between friends, and while these relationships can be loving, they are not physically intimate. It’s possible that you may find yourself in a platonic relationship, even if you have romantic feelings for the other person.

How do you go from platonic to romantic?

5 Tricks to Convert a Platonic Friendship into a Romantic Relationship

  1. Take the Bull by the Horn. Your platonic friend certainly is not a bull, and doesn’t have a horn to take hold of, but that bold step you need to take; to talk up that.
  2. The Crawling Move.
  3. Sagacious move.
  4. Define Your Feelings.
  5. Be Honest.
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Why are platonic relationships important?

Tying back into romantic love, studies suggest platonic love can help us develop healthy romantic relationships. Platonic friendships can teach communication, compromising and boundaries, all important aspects of a romantic relationship. Not to mention the common stories of people marrying their best friends.

How do you know if you like someone Platonically?

Platonic love involves deep affection, but no romantic or sexual attraction….You might also:

  1. have similar interests, values, and goals.
  2. discuss emotions and relationships you have with others.
  3. support each other through difficulties.
  4. enjoy spending time together.

What is the feeling of being attracted to someone?

Lust. This describes intense feelings of passion, desire, affection, or attraction toward someone.