
What does it mean to accept what is?

What does it mean to accept what is?

We believe that accepting what is is synonymous with agreeing to be passive, giving up on change, surrendering all efforts to make things different. Acceptance is saying we agree that this situation will go on forever. It’s deciding to pull the covers over our head. Reality: Acceptance does not mean suspending efforts to change what is.

Is acceptance the hardest practice of them all?

Why acceptance is the hardest and most important practice of them all. Right now, there’s something going on that’s very difficult, something that we definitely don’t want as part of our life: this pandemic. We don’t want this to be our reality and yet it’s clear that all of our wishing it weren’t so has done nothing to make it not true.

What is the biggest misconception about acceptance?

The biggest misunderstanding about acceptance is that it means that we’re OK with the thing we’re accepting, that we’ve somehow gotten comfortable and on board with this situation we don’t want. Reality: Acceptance does not require that we’re OK with what we’re accepting. It does not imply that we now want what we don’t want.

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Why do people argue with me for no reason?

One reason for not understanding is not knowing enough. Not having enough information. So the person arguing with me levels the accusation that we disagree because I do not understand and I do not understand because I do not know enough, don’t have a grasp of the facts.

How to identify when it’s time to persist and when to accept?

We need to learn how to identify when it’s time to persist and when it’s time to accept. One thing that makes acceptance much easier is to list all the possible explanations for why you’re experiencing something. For example, I know I met this person to help him go through a very difficult moment in his life.

Does acceptance mean giving up on reality becoming different?

It does not imply that we’re giving up on reality becoming different. Acceptance is all about now and has nothing to do with the future. Furthermore, acceptance is not an act of passivity, but rather an act of wisdom, of agreeing to start our efforts from where we actually are and considering what actually is.