
What do you think Socrates means by the examined life?

What do you think Socrates means by the examined life?

Socrates is clearly saying that learning and philosophy consists of asking questions but he is also saying that the daily investigation of virtue or morality is a central aspect of the examined life. This is ultimately what leads to his well-known equation that wisdom=virtue.

What does it mean to live an examined life and how did Socrates exemplify this sort of life?

Today he is credited with many influential philosophical ideas and quotes, but one in particular “An unexamined life is not worth living”. What Socrates means by this quote is that a life without the pursuit of wisdom and knowledge is no life at all.

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What did the character of Socrates say about the unexamined life?

“An unexamined life is not worth living” – Socrates.

What does it mean to examine your life?

But what does it mean today to examine your life? It’s about reflection, taking 10, 20 steps back from your life to see where you’ve been, and taking that knowledge to look forward: The Big Picture.

Why is it important to live an examined life?

By examining our lives, by looking into why we do things, we can begin to uncover our motivations. By examining yourself and determining your motivations, you can start to change what you don’t like, and put additional emphasis on those things you do like.

What is the value of the examined life assuming Socrates is right?

According to Socrates, the value or quality of one’s life depends on understanding the principles of, or basic rationale for human existence. Without such knowledge (he suggests) life lacks virtue, because: (a) acting virtuously means acting in way that is informed about what one is doing and why.

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What does it mean to examine one’s life?

What is so important about the Examined Life?

The Examined Life seeks to elicit and explore questions from some of today’s most interesting thinkers. The project draws on the wisdom of academics, artists, activists and politicians from across the globe. Each contributor has been asked to distill their concerns, passions or preoccupations into a single question that we should be asking ourselves.

What does it mean to live An Examined Life?

When one is living an examined life they live a transparent life. One has opened oneself up to examination, or the scrutiny of others. Living an examined life is a call to constant consciousness and awareness of your immediate environment, challenges of life, society, social behavior, behavioral patterns, economics and all aspects of life that affects an individual, positively or negatively.

What was the meaning of life according to Socrates?

What is the meaning of life according to Socrates? Socrates, according to the Platonic dialogues, believes that in life we should seek eudaimonia as our ultimate end. This refers to a state of well-being, a healthy spirit, or a type of happiness. In the Apology, Socrates famously says that the unexamined life is not worth living.

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What did Socrates say about the unexamined life?

The quote “An unexamined life is not worth living” was published in Plato’s “Apology.”. Sometimes called “The Apology of Socrates,” this book contained Plato’s recollections of Socrates’ last speeches.Socrates was given two choices: leave Athens or live the rest of his life in silence.