
What do you say to a grieving ex?

What do you say to a grieving ex?

What to say

  • I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with your family.
  • You’re in my mind during this difficult time.
  • [Ex’s Name] was a very special person. If there’s anything I can do for your family, please let me know.

Does my ex wife get anything when I die?

California is a community property state, which means that following the death of a spouse, the surviving spouse will have entitlement to one-half of the community property (i.e., property that was acquired over the course of the marriage, regardless of which spouse acquired it).

Do husbands of cancer wives cry?

We husbands of cancer cry often, and with deep feeling, but more often alone than with our wives….and right at that moment I sat in Traffic and was the loneliest man in the world. If when sitting at a stop light you see the guy in the car next to you crying……..His wife has cancer.

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Why does my ex-wife have cancer on her breast?

The cancer grow around the body part that has been attacked and insulted. The body part damaged in your ex-wife is her heart. Body don’t do heart cancer, so the cancer did grew on the closest available tissues: the breast. Well at least that’s my guess as you didn’t mention what kind of cancer she has.

Should I talk to my ex about my cancer treatment?

As other answers have pointed out, the odds of the conversation you have in mind being helpful or constructive are low, because cancer treatment may not be the best choice, and an ex is not the best person for such a conversation. But if you still want to try to be helpful, here are some suggestions.

What do you say to a friend who has cancer?

First, tell her you care (if you do), and note that it seems awful to be diagnosed with cancer. If she wants to share what she’s feeling and experiencing, acknowledge what she’s saying, and paraphrase. This lets her know you are listening. You can share what you feel too.

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