
What do you do if someone physically hurts you?

What do you do if someone physically hurts you?

They will help you develop some new techniques and keep you from reacting to new hurts in old ways.

  1. Recognize the offense for what it is.
  2. Resist the tendency to defend your position.
  3. Give up the need to be right.
  4. Recognize and apologize for anything you may have done to contribute to the situation.
  5. Respond, don’t react.

What to say to your partner when you hurt them?

Here are some helpful phrases:

  • “I know what I did was wrong. I wish I had thought before I acted. I made a big mistake.”
  • “There’s no excuse for what I did.”
  • “The way I spoke to you was wrong, and I didn’t realize how much I hurt you.”

How do you have compassion for someone who hurt you?

Nurturing Compassion Practice awareness. Remain aware of yours and others’ needs, listen carefully to others and try to see situations through their eyes. Don’t discuss your pain, complain, give unasked-for advice or be critical.

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Does the Bible condemn men punching their wives in the face?

We don’t see the Bible specifically condemning men punching their wives or children in the face but we have this condemnation of masters toward their male and female slaves:

Are Husbands the head of their wives?

Not only are husbands the head of their wives as Christ is the head of the Church but God created marriage to model the relationship of Christ to his Church. Husbands are to model Christ’s headship over his Church by loving their wives as Christ loves the Church.

What does the Bible say about physical discipline in marriage?

No Scriptural principle or command forbids a man from using physical discipline as method of discipline with his wife. In fact, the Scriptures show God allows physical punishment of adults as a form of discipline in Deuteronomy 25:1-3, Proverbs 19:29 and Proverbs 26:3.