
What do the Dark Eldar think of the emperor?

What do the Dark Eldar think of the emperor?

Some Eldar believe their race is still superior and can survive and thrive again, and these are more likely to take a dim view of the Emperor, but there were and are many that see the Emperor as a potent weapon against Chaos, so whilst they may not like him, they certainly don’t think he’s a fool or weakling.

Is Sigmar and the emperor the same?

Newly reborn the Emperor, now known as Sigmar, need time to remember his powers and who he is. His nature however drives him to fight to unite humanity and battle the warp. He does this forging the Empire. Eventually his memory and powers return and the Master of Mankind returns to the stars to fight the big war.

How are humans treated in the Tau Empire?

They’re treated well and are respected for what they bring to the Empire. They’re required to work hard but so are all members of the Empire regardless of race, and they’re treated much, much better than the Imperium treats them.

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Can a human join the Tau?

Humans (referred to as Gue’la in the Tau native tongue), can achieve pretty much any position they want in the Tau Empire, so long as they are at least somewhat subordinate to the Tau themselves.

Is there a Ynnari Codex?

Standalone Codex Under this model, the Ynnari are treated as a full-fledged standalone army and get their own codex.

Who are the human factions in Warhammer 40k?

The two primary factions representing the Human race in the Warhammer 40,000 universe are the Imperium of Man and the traitorous forces of Chaos.

What is the greatest resource the Imperium of Man possess?

” The greatest resource our Holy Imperium possesses is the fathomless multitudes of humanity itself. No power is mightier and no force more dreadful when turned to a single purpose. By human hands alone we have remade stars in our image. By this token the wise know that true power lies in the mastery of blood and bone, in the very meat of mankind.

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What would happen to humanity under the rule of the Emperor?

Under the Emperor’s rule, Humanity would be restored, intellectually, spiritually and physically to the heights it had once known during the Age of Technology, and the shackles of darkness cast aside.