Tips and tricks

What do INFJs enjoy doing?

What do INFJs enjoy doing?

INFJs are usually creative and innovative. They like to do things in new ways and they enjoy expressing their ideas through artwork, music, writing, and more. INFJs should try to engage in at least one creative activity every day!

Can INFJs be happy?

With an inherent sense of idealism and morality, INFJs are often happiest when they are helping others. The type, nicknamed “the advocate,” is known for fighting for what they believe in and working to ensure the well-being and equality of others.

What careers should Infj avoid?

Careers to Avoid for INFJ Personality Types

  • Sales, Advertising, Marketing, Customer Service. The corporate world is a place where INFJs can find it challenging to fit in because it is too focused on material gain and status.
  • Politics.
  • Military.
  • Finance and Clerical Work.
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What are the best career paths for INFJs?

You often find INFJs in the helping professions such as counseling, the ministry, social work, and teaching. They also make great writers, artists, designers, and musicians. However, there are several career paths INFJs would do best to avoid if they want to stay true this personality type. 1. Marketing INFJ men and women are very private people.

What is an INFJ personality type known for?

This personality type is known for being insightful, creative and decisive, all of which are qualities that make them an excellent fit for almost any career path. In this article, you’ll learn how the specific personality traits of INFJs can relate to your career strengths, motivations and goals.

Where do INFJs make the most money?

You often find INFJs in the helping professions such as counseling, the ministry, social work, and teaching. They also make great writers, artists, designers, and musicians.

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What happens if you are an INFJ in the wrong job?

If you’re an INFJ in the wrong job, you owe it to your mental and physical health to find something more suited to your innate characteristics. There is no job that is perfect for all of the sixteen personality types, and there is no job that is perfect for every INFJ.