
What did Jesus say about vegetarianism?

What did Jesus say about vegetarianism?

“And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb-bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for food.” In the second chapter of Genesis (2:16-17) vegetarianism is re-affirmed as people’s spiritually proper diet.

Is being a vegetarian a sin?

It’s not a sin to be a vegetarian nor is it a sin to be a meat eater. Where the sin comes in is when you criticize another person for eating whatever he is eating! God made the food for you to eat.

Why was Jesus not a vegetarian?

Jesus was not a vegetarian. He ate fish to prove to his disciples that he was not a spirit. So much for some Christians’ hope to baptise vegetarianism in the name of Jesus. And it looks like in that world, people and animals are vegetarian.

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Does the Bible say anything about being vegan?

God said, ‘See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. In these verses, God institutes a plant-based diet for both humans and non-human animals alike. God, in other words, created the world vegan.

Was Jesus vegan or vegetarian?

Many biblical scholars believe that Jesus was a vegetarian. Jesus’ message is one of love and compassion, and there is nothing loving or compassionate about factory farms and slaughterhouses, where billions of animals live miserable lives and die violent, bloody deaths.

Was Jesus Christ a vegetarian?

And yet, after lengthy research into the historical record, I have become convinced that Jesus Christ himself was in all likelihood a vegetarian, and that vegetarianism was probably a central tenet of the early Christian community founded by his disciples.

What percentage of Hindus are vegetarian?

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Vegetarianism is an integral part of most schools of Hinduism although there are a wide variety of practices and beliefs that have changed over time. An estimated 30\% of all Hindus are vegetarians. Some sects of Hindus do not observe vegetarianism.

Is vegetarianism a mainstream religion?

Religious vegetarianism is commonplace in the East, but is not considered mainstream in most Western faith communities.

Did Jesus eat meat before the modern day?

Some may say however, that when Jesus ate meat, it was before the modern-day pollution of meat, such as animals being mass-raised in indoor living quarters, treated with hormones, over-fed, and in all ways exploited the way many of them are today.