
What countries did Israel fight?

What countries did Israel fight?

The war was fought along the entire, long border of the country: against Lebanon and Syria in the north; Iraq and Transjordan – renamed Jordan during the war – in the east; Egypt, assisted by contingents from the Sudan – in the south; and Palestinians and volunteers from Arab countries in the interior of the country.

What countries went to war with Israel 1948?

Following the announcement of an independent Israel, five Arab nations—Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon—immediately invaded the region in what became known as the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.

How much land did Israel gain in the Six Day war?

Israel defeated the Arab armies and captured the Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip from Egypt, the Golan Heights from Syria and the West Bank from Jordan.

How many times has Israel been involved in war?

Since its declaration of independence in May 1948, the State of Israel has fought eight recognized wars with its neighbouring Arab states, two major Palestinian Arab uprisings known as the First Intifada and the Second Intifada (see Israeli–Palestinian conflict ), and a broad series of other armed engagements rooted in the Arab–Israeli conflict .

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Will Israel have problems with the Islamic nations in the end times?

It’s interesting to note that every one of these nations named here in Ezekiel 38:5, 6 today are Islamic nations. Therefore, God some 2500 years ago through this prophecy was indicating that in the end times Israel will have very serious problems with the Islamic nations of the world.

Why did Israel attack Egypt in 1956?

1948: In response to the all out invasion of the combined Arab armies, Israel made incursions into Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt. 1956: In response to repeated fedayeen invasions and the blockade of the Suez canal to Israeli shipping, Israel attacked Egypt.

Which countries will be involved in the Israel-Palestine war?

The countries appear as though they will be: Iran (not hard to imagine), Libya, the Sudan, Turkey (which is growing ever increasingly hostile to Israel), and some of the countries that broke off from Russia in the early 1990’s. Russia will also be involved in this attack.