
What can you not take with Strattera?

What can you not take with Strattera?

Atomoxetine should not be taken with or within two weeks of monoamine oxidase inhibitor antidepressants (MAOIs), including phenelzine (Nardil®), Tranylcypromine (Parnate®), selegiline (Emsam®), isocarboxazid (Marplan®), or antibiotic linezolid (Zyvox®).

Does Strattera wear off during the day?

Unlike the stimulant medications, which become effective within an hour or so and wear off within a given number of hours, Strattera works by building up to a therapeutic level in the body. This can take three weeks or longer, and the level must be maintained by taking the medication each day at around the same time.

Can I overdose on Strattera?

An overdose of Strattera could be fatal, so seek immediately help or call the Poison Help Line at 1-800-222-1222 if you overdose. Overdose symptoms can include sleepiness, behavior changes, nausea and vomiting, blurred vision, rapid heartbeat, hallucinations, seizures, pupil enlargement, and increased heart rate.

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Is 160 mg of Strattera too much?

The maximum recommended total daily dose is 100 mg. The safety of single doses over 120 mg and total daily doses above 150 mg have not been systematically evaluated. Adults: Strattera should be initiated at a total daily dose of 40 mg.

Can you overdose on Strattera?

How much Strattera is too much?

What happens if u take too much Strattera?

If you take too much (overdose) If you have taken too much STRATTERA, the most common signs are sleepiness, agitation, hyperactivity, unusual behaviour and an upset stomach. In some cases of overdose, seizures have been reported.

Can Strattera be opened and sprinkled?

STRATTERA comes in different dose strength capsules. Your doctor may adjust the dose until it is right for you or your child. Do not chew, crush, or open the capsules.

Is 120 mg of Strattera too much?

What happens if I accidentally take 2 Strattera?