
What are the top four playground equipment pieces associated with injuries?

What are the top four playground equipment pieces associated with injuries?

The type of equipment involved in injuries, in descending order, were slides (206 patients, 33.9\%), climbing equipment (177 patients, 29.1\%), and other equipment (124 patients, 20.4\%). The body parts involved in injuries were the upper extremity for 520 patients (85.5\%), and the head and neck for 45 patients (7.4\%).

What is the safest playground equipment?

EWF is by far the safest and absorbs an impact of up to 12 feet when properly maintained at a 12-inch thickness. Although it looks like wood mulch, EWF is designed specifically for playground safety.

What playground equipment causes the most injuries?

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Risk Factors. On public playgrounds, more injuries occur on climbers than on any other equipment (Tinsworth 2001). On home playgrounds, swings are responsible for most injuries (Tinsworth 2001).

What is the most common cause of playground injuries list one moving equipment?

Swing Safety Swings are the most common source of childhood injuries from moving equipment on a playground. But a few simple precautions can help keep kids safely swinging: Swings should be made of soft material such as rubber or plastic, not wood or metal.

What is playground safety?

Teaching Kids About Playground Safety Use equipment properly — slide feet-first, don’t climb outside guardrails, no standing on swings, etc. Always check to make sure no other kids are in the way if they’re going to jump off equipment or slide, and land on both feet with their knees slightly bent.

Why are there no merry-go-rounds?

Merry-Go-Rounds While there are a few still to be found on older playgrounds, most have been ripped out in favor of safer, less rust-prone alternatives. The main reasons: Lawsuits in New Jersey and elsewhere have made officials too skittish to keep this classic piece of equipment.

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How do merry-go-rounds spin?

A carousel, also known as a merry-go-round, is a ride found in an amusement park or on a playground. The children make the carousel spin by holding on to the handle bars that are attached to the rotating platform. The child will then run in a circle while holding on to the handle bars making the merry-go-round spin.

What are some good names for playground equipment?

Playground Equipment Names (With Pictures) 1 1. Swing Set. The swing set is pretty much a no brainer. However, not wanting to leave out a classic, I couldn’t compose a list of playground 2 2. Slides. 3 3. Merry-Go-Round. 4 4. Spring Riders. 5 5. Climbers.

How safe are playgrounds today?

Playgrounds have come a long way since the early days of hot, steel slides and open-backed infant swings. Safety is a big issue on today’s playgrounds, but so is imagination and ingenuity.

What would be the most exciting playgrounds you would make?

The most exciting playgrounds would take the form of a pirate ship, a giant robot, or a space rocket. “My husband would look at these big metal things and go, ‘Oh my God, those are the Slides of Death!’”

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What is the most iconic figure to outdoor play?

The swing is probably the most iconic figure to outdoor play and without it, no playground would be complete. Swing sets today are available in both wood and metal, each having their own sets of pros and cons. But regardless of what the swing set is made of, they provide just as much fun today as they did when I was a kid. 2. Slides