
What are the three main arguments for the existence of God quizlet?

What are the three main arguments for the existence of God quizlet?

three sorts of epistemic arguments for theism: ‘cosmological arguments’, ‘teleological arguments’ and ‘ontological arguments’.

How many arguments are there for the existence of God?

In his Summa Theologica, which he intended as a primer for theology students, Aquinas devised five arguments for the existence of God, known as the Five Ways, that subsequently proved highly influential.

Which of the following is an argument used to explain the existence of God quizlet?

Which of the following is an argument used to explain the existence of God? Indecision, not making a decision, is actually a decision in itself.

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What does Russell say is the foundation of religion?

Russell writes: Fear is the basis of religious dogma, as of so much else in human life. Fear of human beings, individually or collectively, dominates much of our social life, but it is fear of nature that gives rise to religion. Religion is an attempt to overcome this antithesis.

What is a bad argument?

If the argument is invalid, then it’s a bad argument: it’s an argument that is intended to give conclusive support for it’s conclusion, but fails to do so.

What are the weakest arguments in the Bible?

The weakest arguments are those which deny God as they come from human reasoning. Those which do not include God and have not originated from God’s provision and possibly are man’s fabrication of God’s word. Exactly like satan a manipulation of the word of God by the god of this world.

What is the argument for the existence of God?

God exists outside of time, space, and matter. He is the only eternal being. He is the uncaused cause of the universe. Morality argument for God’s existence. We know that God is real because there is a moral standard and if there is a moral standard, then there is a transcendent moral Truth Giver.

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Is the problem of Evil a good argument against God?

Since this awareness is universal—it’s an obvious and undeniable feature of reality—we can use it as an ally to make our case for God. Contrary to popular belief, the problem of evil is not a good argument against God. It’s actually one of the best arguments for God.

Why do people deny the existence of God?

To deny the existence of God is foolish (Psalm 14:1). Yet, sadly, many in our day do deny the existence of God. Some deny his existence because they do not want to be accountable to God, and others because they have a difficult time understanding how God can exist and the world be so broken.